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Hulless Barley Hulled Hulless.

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Presentation on theme: "Hulless Barley Hulled Hulless."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hulless Barley Hulled Hulless

2 Why Hulless Barley ? Potential ethanol feedstock
High starch substitute for corn in summer Virginia Tech developed lines for release: “Doyce” Poultry industry Perdue Farms Improved export potential Ethanol Plant

3 Trends in Mid Atlantic Barley Production
USDA, 2004

4 PSU/PDA Hulless Barley Study
Evaluate potential of hulless barley compared to hulled barley Identify superior hulless lines adapted to PA

5 Materials & Methods 40 cultivars, 5 PA sites Measured
33 VA Experimental hulless 7 Hulled checks Measured Yield Test Weight Height Lodging Leaf disease (L) Winter Kill (R) Spring Vigor (R)

6 Hulled vs Hulless Barley
Average of Five Site Years

7 Doyce=1.8 1 VA00H-65=3.1 Nomini=3.9 4 5

8 Breakeven Analysis Hulled Barley Revenue= /bu = $166/acre Hulless Barley Breakeven Price: $175/acre / 76 bu/acre= $2.18/ bu Current Corn Price: $2.59/bu Hulless barley breakeven price is about 84% of current corn price.

9 Hulless Summary Expect about 15% lower grain yields with Hulless lines
Starch and protein lines will be elevated Seeding rates should be adjusted upward to compensate for lower germ Evaluate potential value and premium carefully


11 The Potential of Canola, Rapeseed, or Mustard Production for Biodiesel or Biolubricant Feedstocks
Greg Roth Professor Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Glen Cauffman Manager Penn State Farm Operations Joseph Perez Senior Scientist Department of Chemical Engineering Douglas Archibald Research Associate Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

12 Relavance: Biodiesel production
Demand is growing in PA Production in PA is growing Feedstock supplies could become an issue Interest is developing in Canola as a feedstock Canola has one of the highest oil yields per acre of adapted crops: bu/A vs. 71 gal/A for 50 bu/A

13 Transferablity/User Driven
Close relations with at least two proposed canola based processing firms Good relationships with existing biodiesel manufacturers Good relationship with ag community Long history of interaction with biolubricant industry

14 Project overview Study canola production: varieties, pests, yields, environments Develop budgets for cost of production Compare soy vs. canola biodiesel production from PSU farms Assess quality differences among canola, mustard or rapeseed lines for oil quality Develop production recommendations for canola and rapeseeds and develop expertise on on-farm biodiesel production

15 Team Approach



18 This research is supported by funding from
the Agriculture Research Program sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.



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