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PRESENTATION OF THE NPA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 AND ANNUAL PLAN 2011 Adv. Menzi Simelane National Director of Public Prosecutions 11.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF THE NPA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 AND ANNUAL PLAN 2011 Adv. Menzi Simelane National Director of Public Prosecutions 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION OF THE NPA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 AND ANNUAL PLAN 2011 Adv. Menzi Simelane National Director of Public Prosecutions 11

2 JCPS Delivery Agreement  Output 1: Reduce overall levels of serious crime  Output 2: Improve CJS efficiency  Output 3: Eradicate corruption, including bribery, by officials within the CJS  Output 4: Manage the perception of crime  Output 5: Improve investor confidence  Output 8: Address cyber crime 22

3 Specific Activities  Re-engineer and modernise business processes in and around courts to allow for a more effective use of court time  Finalise more criminal cases by 2% per annum  Reduce case backlogs by 10% (by 2014)  Increase the number of cases finalised by diversion and other alternative ways by 20% (by 2014) 33

4 Specific Activities  Coordinated anti-corruption operations across the CJS and the prosecution of corruption cases in the cluster  Successfully convict 100 people by 2014 that have assets of more than R5m restrained.  Increase in the number of TCCs to 35 44

5 55 Office of the NDPP N DP P M Simela ne DN DPP : AFUAFU W Hof meyr DN DPP : Strategy & Operations N JibaJiba DN DPP : Legal Affairs N Mokh atla DN DPP : NSSDNSSD S Ram aite D P Ps CEOCEO DG: DoJ&CD OWPOWP SC C U S O CA P CL U

6 Office of the NPA at each seat of the High Court 66 DP Ps Coordinat or: Gener al Prosecutio ns Coordinat or: Organise d Cri me Coordinat or: Specialise d Prosecutio ns Coordinat or: SC CU Coordinat or: Governan ce Coordinat or: Administrati on Regional Head: AFU OND PP

7 Strategic planning process  Situation Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legislative, Environment)  Situation Analysis Report identifies factors to which the NPA needs to respond in its strategic planning  Consultation with NDPP, DNDPPs, DPPs, SDPPs, CEO  Align to DoJ&CD and JCPS Cluster Plans  JCPS Service Delivery Agreement is the basis for the NPA plan 77

8 JCPS Outcome: All people of South Africa Are and Feel Safe NPA Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal: To provide effective prosecution and related services Goal Statement : To ensure that all matters are dealt with speedily and effectively 88 Strategic Outcome Orientated Goals

9 Strategic Objectives  Purpose: Provide a coordinated prosecuting service that: ensures that justice is delivered to the victims of crime through general and specialised prosecutions; protects certain witnesses; and removes the profit from crime. 99

10 1010 Strategic Objective 1 1.JCPS Output Reduced levels of serious reported crimes and specifically the levels of contact and trio crimes 1 Strategic Objective Increased successful prosecution of serious crime Objective Statement Increase the number of convictions measured against the number of new cases in Regional and High Courts (serious crime) to 45% in 2013/2014 Baseline Number of criminal court cases in which a sentence of 10 years or more of direct imprisonment without the option of a fine is imposed: Baseline 2011/2012 Convictions in criminal court cases measured against the number of new cases enrolled in the Regional and High Courts (serious crime): Baseline 2009/2010: 35.7% Justification This objective will contribute to reducing the overall levels of serious crime in particular contact and trio crimes. Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 1

11 Strategic Objective 2 1111 2 JCPS Output Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System which is integrated and dispenses swift and fair justice 2 NPA Strategic Objective Improved collaboration with JCPS partners Objective Statement To increase the number of criminal court cases finalised including ADRM to 524 380. Baseline Overall conviction rate 09/10: 88.6% Number of criminal court cases finalised including ADRM 09/10: 469,541 Justification This objective will contribute to the effectiveness of the CJS Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 2

12 Strategic Objective 3 1212 3 JCPS Output Corruption eradicated, including bribery, by officials within the JCPS as one of the major contributors to ongoing criminal activity and suspicion as well as lack of trust and confidence in the system by the community 3 NPA Output (Strategic Objective 3) Improved prosecution of JCPS officials charged with corruption Objective Statement To increase the number of JCPS officials convicted of corruption: to 63 by 2013/2014 Baseline Number of JCPS personnel convicted of corruption: 09/10: 40 (80%) Value of assets linked to corruption and fraud frozen: R5m 09/10 Justification This objective will contribute to combating corruption in the JCPS cluster and to ensure its effectiveness and its ability to serve as a deterrent. Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 3

13 Strategic Objective 4 1313 4 JCPS Output Promote trust in the CJS by improving support to victims of crime and increasing engagement with the community on security awareness and crime prevention. 4 NPA Strategic Objective To improve justice services for the victims of crime Objective Statement To expand the number of TCCs to 40 Baseline Number of operational TCCs 09/10: 20 Justification This objective will contribute to managing and improving the public confidence in programmes to support victims of crime. Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 4

14 Strategic Objective 5 1414 5 JCPS Output Investor perception, trust and willingness to invest in South Africa is improved by taking legal criminal actions against a defined number of highly visible corruption cases 5 NPA Strategic Objective Increased successful prosecutions of serious corruption Objective Statement To successfully prosecute and restrain assets of corruption cases where there are assets to the value of at least R5m that can be restrained: 100 persons convicted where at least R5m assets are restrained (cumulative) by 2013/14 Baseline Number of convictions where there is at least R5m assets restrained: 0 10/11 Number of freezing orders with at least R5m assets restrained: 19 10/11 Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 5

15 Strategic Objective 6 1515 6 JCPS Output Cyber crime activities that are threatening to become a pervasive danger to individuals and the community as well as the economy are combated 6 NPA Strategic Objective Increased prosecution of cyber crime Objective Statement To increase the capability of the NPA to successfully prosecute cyber crime. Baseline Number of dedicated cybercrime prosecutors per DPP office: Baseline 10/11 Justification This objective will contribute to combating cyber crime. Links This objective will contribute to achieving the JCPS output 8

16 NPA Strategic Objective 1 Annual Targets 2011/12 1616 Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution of serious crime Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of criminal court cases in which a sentence of 10 years or more of direct imprisonment without the option of a fine is imposed 3% increase on 2012/13 n/a baseline 3% increase Convictions in criminal court cases measured against the number of new cases enrolled in the Regional and High Courts (serious crime) 45% 32.2% (27 506) 35,9% (30 935) 35.7% (29 661) 33.2% (23 085) 39%42%45%

17 NPA Strategic Objective 2 Annual Targets 2011/12 1717 Strategic Objective 2: Improved collaboration with JCPS partners Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Overall convictio n rate 88% 85.9% 333 837 86.3% 382 398 88.6% 416 013 88.3% 426 213 88% 436 659 88% 448 885 88% 461 454 Number of criminal court cases finalised including ADRM 524 380388 634431 601469 541482 688496 203510 097524 380

18 NPA Strategic Objective 3 Annual Targets 2011/12 1818 NPA Strategic Objective 3: Improved prosecution of JCPS officials charged with corruption Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of JCPS personnel convicted of corruption 100n/a (82%) 40(76%) 32(77%) 60(78%) 80(80%) 100 Value of assets linked to corruption and fraud frozen R6mn/a R5m0R1mR2mR3m

19 NPA Strategic Objective Annual Targets 2011/12 1919 NPA Strategic Objective 4: To improve justice services for the victims of crime Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of operational TCCs409172025303540 NPA Strategic Objective 5: Increased successful prosecutions of serious corruption Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of convictions where there is at least R5m assets restrained 100 (cumulative) n/a 0153550 Number of freezing orders with at least R5m assets restrained 160 (cumulative) n/a 10405060

20 NPA Strategic Objective 6 Annual Targets 2011/12 2020 NPA Strategic Objective 6: Increased prosecution of cyber crime Strategic Objective Strategic Plan Target Audited/Actual Performance Estimated Performance Medium Term Targets 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of dedicated cyber crime prosecutors 2 per region (18 Nationally) n/a 461218

21 Risk Management 2121 Risks and risk descriptionResponsibleMitigation Risk Rating 1 Poor financial control and management in the NPA CEO: NPA (DG: Accounting Officer) Accountability (s45 of the PFMA) to be included in the performance contracts of all line managers Extreme The NPA in the past four years received three qualified audit opinions and a disclaimer as a result of poor financial controls and a culture of non-compliance to policies and procedures and lack of policy guidelines on budget management. The other contributing factor is a weak control environment. Individual performance review aligned to audit findings Develop and implement an audit plan Enter into a Strategic Support Plan with National Treasury with respect to financial management. (Asset management, goods & services, systems security, compensation of employees, liability management and revenue management.) Develop and implement policies and processes relating to the financial management. (Inclusive of awareness and training.)

22 Risk Management 2222 Risks and risk descriptionResponsibleMitigation Risk Rating 2 Absence of/and or poor coordination and cooperation across the JCPS: NDDP Development and implementation service level agreements. (Inclusive regular monitoring) Extreme NPA is in the middle of the JCPS value chain. It is dependent on partners such as the SAPS, LASA and other key stakeholders in the CJS to enable it to deliver on its core mandate. The absence of/ or poor cooperation and coordination across the JCPS renders the NPA ineffective. Joint planning with partners and stakeholders in the JCPS Joint target setting with partners and stakeholders in the JCPS Establishment of communication channels across the JCPS 3 Lack of adequate budget to support delivery specifically in the lower courts Resourcing in the lower courts is the responsibility of the DoJ&CD. Budget constraints result in prosecutorial staff not being provided the required resources (this includes the provision of reasonable accommodation, minimum standards of furniture and equipment and even stationary) NDPP Review the allocation of the prosecutorial lower court budget, to determine appropriate funds required. High Develop and implement an action plan to address the adequate resourcing the lower courts and prosecutorial staff.

23 Risk Management 2323 Risks and risk descriptionResponsibleMitigation Risk Rating 4 Shortage of suitable qualified, skilled and competent personnel across most/all disciplines The NPA has struggled to attract staff in all disciplines and specifically struggled to address the prosecutorial vacancy rate. The aspirant prosecutor programme is the key strategy to provide a bottom up approach to filling vacancies. The programme has not addressed the issue. Suitable external candidates have not been sourced mainly due to a lack of required experience at the higher levels. Justice College is the main provider of prosecutorial skills development. This has not been associated with a marked improvement in output. CEO: NPA & DNDPP Develop and implement Human Resource strategy High Revise the skills development plan of the NPA( to address the need for management training) Review the aspirant prosecutor programme, to address the skills gap at higher levels. Develop and implement the bridging programmes at the higher levels Review recruitment policy and requirements to attract external candidates 5 Unethical and corrupt behaviour within the NPA The prosecutorial function is linked to high levels of autonomous decision making that can be open to abuse if not closely monitored. A culture of non-compliance can easily support corrupt activities within critical processes such as supply chain management. The NPA has not been particularly good at addressing non-compliance or for disciplining speedily. NDPP Develop and implement prosecutorial governance framework High Implement checks and balances in the prosecutorial process Link performance reward to compliance with Code of Ethics, Prosecution Policy, policy directives and legislation and regulations

24 Resource Consideration 2424 R thousand 2007/08 2008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Audited Outcomes Adjusted Appropriation Medium-term estimates Public Prosecutions 1,184,169 1,427,8561,582,5161,973,7491,947,0442,048,6792,155,620 Witness Protection Programme 79,594 103,592 120,376 130,745 137,570 144,751 152,307 Asset Forfeiture Unit 59,776 64,513 78,640 106,589 106,810 112,385 118,252 Support Services 396,394 330,942 406,678 472,555 497,222 523,177 550,487 Total of sub- programmes 1,719,933 1,926,9032,188,2102,683,6382,688,6462,828,9932,976,667

25 NPA Overall Budget & Expenditure as at the 17th of March 2011 (R’000) Economic ClassificationTotal Expenditure Projected Exp till year end AENE Projected Available Budget % Budget Spend Compensation of Employees1,840,1981,857,6811,900,48142,80097% OSD Phase II Implementation49,80149,63198,00048,36951% Goods and Services (Less Finance leases) 413,280438,191514,59276,40180% Interest and Rent on Land9,87510,8234,447-6,376222% Payment for Financial Assets2,1143,772460-3,312460% Households5,5235,9738,1342,16168% Building and Other Fixed Structures (Incl. Finance Leases) 14,00714,53515,07053593% Machinery and Equipment (Incl. Finance Leases) 26,71526,81741,61414,79764% Departmental Agencies and Accounts -1,465 -0% Grand Total2,361,5132,408,8882,584,263175,37591% 2525

26 Indicative NPA Medium Term Budget Allocations (R’000) Economic Classification 2010/112011/122012/132013/14 ENEAENEENE Compensation of Employees1,826,3102,098,4812,030,8282,135,1192,244,375 Goods and Services (Less Finance leases) 569,160514,592534,436556,775587,317 Interest and Rent on Land5994,4474,6604,9005,150 Payment for Financial Assets0460482507533 Households8,134 8,8959,3399,853 Building and Other Fixed Structures (Incl. Finance Leases) 015,07015,79316,60417,454 Machinery and Equipment (Incl. Finance Leases) 10,00041,61443,61145,85148,197 Departmental Agencies and Accounts 1,465 1,5531,6311,721 Grand Total2,415,6682,684,2632,640,2582,770,7262,914,600 Increase / Decrease in Baseline 268,595-44,005130,468143,874 % Increase / Decrease in Baseline 11%-2%5% 2626

27 NPS Overall Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 (R’000) Economic Classification Total Expenditure Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation Available Budget % Budget spend Compensation of Employees1,429,8571,443,82913,97299% NPS - OSD Phase II implementation49,42386,46637,04357% Goods and Services79,31789,0619,74489% Interest and Rent on Land16834217449% Payments For Financial Assets421250-171168% Households4,5264,067-459111% Machinery and Equipment1,7222,47575370% Software & Intangible Assets0000% Building and Other Fixed Structures-12170191-174% TOTAL EXPENDITURE1,565,3131,626,560161,24796% 2727

28 NPS Head Office Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 2828 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees46,58346,509-74100% Goods and Services2,0913,02593469% Interest and Rent on Land0115 0% Payments For Financial Assets2723420711% Households17943625741% Machinery and Equipment02,032 0% TOTAL EXPENDITURE48,88052,3513,47193%

29 DPP Bisho Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 2929 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees41,97043,8671,89796% Goods and Services1,8412,39855777% Interest and Rent on Land59451% Payments For Financial Assets60-6- Households000- Machinery and Equipment5636-20154% Buildings & Other Fixed Structure 000- TOTAL EXPENDITURE43,87746,3102,43295%

30 DPP Bloemfontein Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3030 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees 101,765103,5681,803 98% Goods and Services 7,6507,918268 97% Interest and Rent on Land 13163 80% Payments For Financial Assets 10 - Households 1,1691,287118 91% Machinery and Equipment 8237-45 224% TOTAL EXPENDITURE110,680112,8262,14698%

31 DPP Cape Town Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3131 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees221,928210,281-11,647106% Goods and Services10,11711,4091,29289% Interest and Rent on Land44561279% Payments For Financial Assets430-43- Households2383177975% Machinery and Equipment33336-297915% TOTAL EXPENDITURE232,703222,099-10,604105%

32 DPP Grahamstown Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3232 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees100,01295,667-4,345105% Goods and Services7,5187,080-438106% Interest and Rent on Land11301936% Payments For Financial Assets100-10- Households93 100% Machinery and Equipment10136-65278% Buildings & Other Fixed Structures01- TOTAL EXPENDITURE107,744102,906-4,838105%

33 DPP Johannesburg Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3333 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees189,734178,974-10,760106% Goods and Services7,1177,45533895% Interest and Rent on Land2426292% Payments For Financial Assets10- Households828290-538285% Machinery and Equipment21936-183602% Buildings & Other Fixed Structures80-8- TOTAL EXPENDITURE197,931186,781-11,150106%

34 DPP Kimberley Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3434 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees51,63052,19957099% Goods and Services6,1586,17315100% Interest and Rent on Land27438% Payments For Financial Assets490-49- Households19301164% Machinery and Equipment21361558% Building & Other Fixed Structure-2890289- TOTAL EXPENDITURE57,59058,44585599%

35 DPP Mmabatho Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3535 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees68,44666,863-1,584102% Goods and Services3,7664,52576083% Interest and Rent on Land26444% Payments For Financial Assets900-90- Households2212510318% Building & Other Fix Structure14370-73205% Machinery and Equipment8347-36176% TOTAL EXPENDITURE72,55271,636-916101%

36 DPP Pietermaritzburg Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3636 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees233,872224,347-9,525104% Goods and Services13,32413,52219899% Interest and Rent on Land2630486% Payments For Financial Assets1200-120- Households883377-506234% Machinery and Equipment25136-215689% Building & Other Fixed Struc160-16- TOTAL EXPENDITURE248,492238,312-10,180104%

37 DPP Pretoria Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3737 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees323,677320,298-3,379101% Goods and Services13,34216,9483,60679% Interest and Rent on Land37551867% Payments For Financial Assets470-47- Households6056423794% Machinery and Equipment46944-4251062% Buildings & Other Fixed Struc20-2- TOTAL EXPENDITURE338,179337,987-192100%

38 DPP Thohoyandou Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3838 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees30,72133,0002,27993% Goods and Services1,0701,48941972% Interest and Rent on Land13225% Payments For Financial Assets10- Households410-41- Machinery and Equipment13362336% TOTAL EXPENDITURE31,84734,5282,68192%

39 DPP Mthatha Budget & Exp as at the 17th of March 2011 3939 Economic Classification Total Expenditure R'000 Approved 3rd BRCM Budget Allocation R'000 Available Budget R'000 % Budget spend Compensation of Employees68,94368,722-221100% Goods and Services5,3237,1211,79875% Interest and Rent on Land46257% Payments For Financial Assets270-27- Households4494702196% Machinery and Equipment9460-34155% TOTAL EXPENDITURE74,84076,3791,53998%

40 4040 Indicative NPS - Medium Term Budget Allocations (R’000) DPP 2010/11 (Excl Add OSD allocation) 2011/122012/132013/14 NPS Head Office52,35155,86858,61261,532 DPP Bisho46,31049,46451,98554,659 DPP Bloemfontein112,826120,478126,598133,123 DPP Cape Town222,099237,240249,331262,152 DPP Grahamstown102,906109,864115,448121,392 DPP Johannesburg186,781199,581209,773220,549 DPP Kimberley58,44562,33065,47868,860 DPP Mmabatho71,63676,49180,38284,519 DPP Pietermaritzburg238,312254,520267,481281,242 DPP Pretoria337,987361,046379,451398,961 DPP Thohoyandou34,52836,88938,77240,765 DPP Mthatha76,37981,49585,61990,036 Grand Total1,540,5601,645,2661,728,9301,817,790 Increase in Baseline 104,70683,66488,860 % Increase in Baseline 7%5%

41 Thank you 4141 41

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