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ALBANIA Report in ICT development Albania is a member of eSEE WG and in this framework its achievements are: eSEE Agenda commitment 1.Adoption of National.

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Presentation on theme: "ALBANIA Report in ICT development Albania is a member of eSEE WG and in this framework its achievements are: eSEE Agenda commitment 1.Adoption of National."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALBANIA Report in ICT development Albania is a member of eSEE WG and in this framework its achievements are: eSEE Agenda commitment 1.Adoption of National Strategies for IS Development on the basis on the basis of the common guidelines prepared by eSEE WG On 10 April 2003 was approved the National ICT An Action Plan in accordance with eSEE Agenda is inclusive. This Action Plan is assisting by PNUD

2 ALBANIA 2. Cabinet level Bodies for the development of IS on the basis of the unified ToR prepared by the eSEE WG The Cabinet level body for IS established Close to Prime Minister’s Cabinet with main function: To coordinate and to monitor the implementation of National Strategy for IS Development Is removed due to the new organization happened last year in the Government. IS Forum is established on June 2003 and its work is suspended;

3 ALBANIA Interministerial Committee for ICT forseen to be effective on the end of the year 2004 it is suspended. All Ministries have included the IS body in their organizational structure; Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication (General Directorate of P&T) has now in its structure an department in order to create the policy making one. 3.e-Signature not yet done

4 ALBANIA 4. Law on Cybercrime Albania has ratified the Cyber-Crime Convention. 5. Law on Telecommunication We are in the procedures for the pre- selection of an International Company which will deal with: -Studying of the telecommunication market. -Elaborating of the New Policy Paper. -Amending of the Telecommunication Law, taking into the consideration the implementation of the last Directives of the EU.

5 According the EU directives it is foreseen a Law for the Electronic Communications to be elaborated. 6. Law on Personal Data Protection Law No. 8517, dated 22.07.1999 “On personal data protection” already exists, but It isn’t updated in the line of ICT acts. ALBANIA

6 7. Promotion of Information Society for Development Albanian Government is taking important steps for the development of Internet Services: “Albtelecom” is already present in 16 main cities with internet service and internet access is now in undergoing. In the framework of e-government the Albanian Government in collaboration with UNDESA are working in functioning of e- procurement;

7 ALBANIA Many entities are working in implementation of several ICT projects. a)General Directorate of P&T since 2004 supports the government institutions preparing the procedures and technical specifications in establishment of internet access; c)Internal Ministry, supported by UNDESA and ICITAP, build up a computerized network to be connection with all border points d)“Posta Shqiptare” the main postal operator in Albania, is working to informatization the financial services and to computerize the counter desks.

8 ALBANIA Many central institutions are working to establish their computerized networks as: Tax Office, Custom Office, Municipalities (a French company is working for the informatization municipalities offices, etc. The Challenges for the future?

9 ALBANIA 1.Consolidation of the structures : Coordination structure; Policy making structure; Regulation structure; Implementation Structure; 2. Draw up of the legislation, which is starting this year Nevertheless, new legislation will be mainly based on following acts that are already in force:

10 ALBANIA Law No. 7971, dated 14.03.1995 “On Public Procurement” Law No. 7564 dated 19.05.1992 “On Copyright” Law No. 7819, dated 27.04.1994 “On Industrial Property” Law No. 8517, dated 22.07.1999 “On Personal Data Protection” 3.Telecommunications market already is liberalized starting 1 January 2005.

11 Albtelecom Joint-Stock Company, the public operator with the shares 100% owned by the state is now under the privatization process.

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