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Relief Relief is a sculptural technique used in Art & Crafts. The term comes from the Latin word ‘relevo’ which means ‘to raise’ There are several different.

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Presentation on theme: "Relief Relief is a sculptural technique used in Art & Crafts. The term comes from the Latin word ‘relevo’ which means ‘to raise’ There are several different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relief Relief is a sculptural technique used in Art & Crafts. The term comes from the Latin word ‘relevo’ which means ‘to raise’ There are several different types of relief, depending on how high the sculpted material has been raised.

2 This is an example of ‘sunken relief’, where heiroglyphic writing of the Ancient Egyptians has been carved into stone.

3 Low relief or ‘bas relief’ is where the sculptural surface is only slightly raised. It can be seen most commonly today on coins, but historical examples can be found in Ancient Egypt, Indian art and South East Asia. Low relief was prominent during the Renaissance in Italy where it would be used for decoration on buildings, monuments, medals & coins. Pisanello, Medal of Cecilia Gonzaga, 1447Donatello, Madonna of the Clouds, 1435

4 Mid Relief has more material removed from the base to create a higher raised surface. Ancient Greek mid-relief rom the Parthenon, Greece Persian mid-relief from Tangaeh Sivashi, Iran

5 In High Relief the effect is almost fully three dimensional as in the examples above. Ancient Greek High Relief from the Parthenon, (part of the Elgin Marbles). High Relief figures on abuilding on The Strand, London

6 Relief can also be abstract as in the examples above. Keith McCarter, Wall Relief, Charing Cross, Glasgow 1972 Bas Relief from the The Hoover Dam, USA

7 Tasks Find some more examples of relief for your sketchbook. Use a variety of materials to create a relief on card Experiment with found objects, paper & card to create raised surfaces. The work can be either representational or abstract.

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