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Personalisation & Its Role in Recovery: Is Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? Anna Lewis Senior Consultant ImROC.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalisation & Its Role in Recovery: Is Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? Anna Lewis Senior Consultant ImROC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalisation & Its Role in Recovery: Is Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? Anna Lewis Senior Consultant ImROC

2 ImROC is…  Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change  Hosted through Notts Healthcare in partnership with CMH  Works in partnership with communities to develop systems, services & cultures that support recovery & wellbeing  Works throughout organisations at practice, operational & strategic levels  Focuses on learning, consultancy & research  Team of 30+ consultants – professional & lived experience, led by Dr Julie Repper  Collaborates with partners incl NDTI

3 What Do We Mean by Recovery?  Recovery of a life beyond illness  Meaningful life as defined by the individual  Hope  Control  Opportunity

4 A Shared Purpose with Personalisation?  Changes the nature of the conversation  Nurtures ‘real wealth’ – seeing life in the round  Embeds hope, control & opportunity  And it challenges services…..big time

5 Cambridge High School, New Zealand

6 Personalisation in Life

7 1. Shifting Balance of Power  From ’gift model’…  …to ‘citizenship model’  Partnership between professional expertise and lived experience  From compliance to shared decision-making  Combines professional & personal knowledge to tailor care

8 2. Ending the Dominance of Clinical Treatment  Acknowledge treatment is only a part of what people use to manage  ‘On tap, not on top’  As an aid to self care & pursuit of individual ambitions

9 3. Reorienting system to wider social outcomes  Broader interpretation of what it takes to stay well  Housing, education, social networks  Putting outcomes ahead of artificial organisational divides  Enabling creative means for staying well, not bound by traditional concepts of ‘care’

10 Profound Change  Profound change is sustainable only through both inner and outer shifts  Inner shifts  Aspirations  Mindset  Values  Behaviours  Outer shifts  Strategies  Systems  Policies  Processes  Practices

11 Features of Personal Budgets As Tools For Recovery (Alakeson & Perkins, 2012)  Simple & fair resource allocation system  Effective recovery planning  New approaches to safety & opportunity  Creating a more diverse workforce

12 Features (cont.)  Monitoring for outcomes, not spending  Building a new evidence base  Creating a more diverse market  Sustainable funding

13 Key Points  Traditional approaches to mental illness have depleted hope, aspiration, real wealth in individuals  Recovery & personalisation ethos changes this  Personal budgets act as an enabler to recovery  Likely to succeed only if the bigger picture cultural shift happens  This shift is hugely challenging to the status quo & as such requires a proactive approach to transformation


15 Discussion – What Do You Think?  Is culture eating strategy for breakfast? To what extent is cultural change a pre-requisite for personalisation? What is your experience?  Has your local area been working on recovery? What successes have you had?  Have opportunities for personalisation increased as a result?  What is getting in the way?  How does your experience measure up to the requirements of profound change?  What do you need from the national leaders to make this real on the ground?

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