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Daniel, Khaliq, Anne, And Dylan 2012. Amazing Desert facts Deserts are good habitats with a lot of animals and plants that have adapted to harsh conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel, Khaliq, Anne, And Dylan 2012. Amazing Desert facts Deserts are good habitats with a lot of animals and plants that have adapted to harsh conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel, Khaliq, Anne, And Dylan 2012

2 Amazing Desert facts Deserts are good habitats with a lot of animals and plants that have adapted to harsh conditions. More than one six of Earths population live in the desert regions. Deserts cover one fifths of Earths land. Deserts get less than ten inches of rain each year.

3 Barrel Cactus A Barrel Cactus is the only cactus that you can drink out of. To get the water out you have to cut it open and squeeze the sponge that contains water in it. Did you know this plant comes from Latin Afrox.

4 Crimson Chat The crimson chat flies all over the Australian desert looking for water. The Australian desert covers 90 percent of Australia! The crimson chat is a bird with the colors red, white, black, and brown.

5 Dromedary Camel The dromedary camel’s nickname Is the ships of the desert because these type of camels that are used to carry things. Sometimes people. These camels only have one hump.

6 Elf owl The elf owl is the smallest owl in the world! The elf owl usually eat insects such as centipedes and scorpions. To eat the scorpion the elf owl has to rip off the stinger so it can feed it to its baby. These owls are located in the Sonoran Desert.

7 Fennec Fox Fennec foxes live in the in caves that they dig in the desert.

8 Gold Wheel Spider The gold wheel spider curls its self up in a ball to roll down any sand hill. It is also called the cart wheel Spider.

9 Hot and dry Deserts There are 2 Major deserts, Mojave desert and the Sononran desert. The Mojave desert is one of the smallest deserts. It is in South Eastern California, at 35 degrees. The Sononran desert is a big South Western part of North America. it covers the South Western part of Arizona, the South Eastern part of California, and the state of Sonora in Mexico.

10 Inland Taipan The inland taipan is poisonous snake that lives in the desert. This snake is the most poisonous snake on the earth. I wouldn't mess with this snake!☺

11 Jack Rabbit Jack rabbits are hares because they do not build nests. The young are fully furred when they are born and they are born with there eyes wide open.

12 Kulan Kulans have really good endurance. They are estimated to go 20 miles without stopping. They don’t just live in the desert they also live in huge grasslands and in a open field.

13 location There are many desert locations such as North America, Sahara, Thar, Atacama, Patagonian, Iranian, Turkestan, Taklimakan-Gobi, Arabian, Namib, Australian, Atacama, Patagonian, and Kalahari. Those are all of the different deserts.

14 Meerkat Meerkat work together as a team to survive. They take turns doing different kinds of jobs, such as hunting, landscaping, housekeeping, and being on guard. If the guard senses something bad it will yell to the other meerkats to go into the tunnel.

15 Namaqua Sand grouse The namaqua sand grouse flies to water holes and put its feathers in the water and flies back to its nest and the baby namaqua drink the wet feathers.

16 Oasis An oasis is a area in the desert that always has a supply of freshwater. The water could be from a spring or an underground aquifer.

17 Palmate Gecko The palmate gecko usually have webbed feet and live near water. They have webbed feet to dig in the ground, these geckos live in the desert.

18 Quail Thrush The quail thrush lives in the desert. Its feathers blends in the ground. It also has a nickname called the cinnamon.

19 Road Runner Road runners eat a lot of things such as, lizards, snakes, grasshoppers, mice, and sometimes birds. Road runners can run up to 43 mph. Coyotes can’t catch a road runner.

20 Saguaro The saguaro is the biggest cactus in the world. The saguaro is a tree too, it has wood inside of it. Most of the time when the saguaro has lived for ten years it is still 6 inches tall.

21 Tortoise Some tortoise live in the desert. The desert tortoise eat plants to get some moisture. The tortoise height is 4-6 inches, its length is 9-15 inches including the shell, it weighs 8-15 pounds, and its life span is 50-80 years.

22 Ursine Giant Skipper When the butterfly is still a caterpillar it digs its self into a plant called the yucca plant to escape the heat. The ursine giant skippers wing span is 3 inches.

23 Vaquira Sometimes these vaquiras are called colored peccaries. When the vaquiras walk they walk in a straight line.

24 Welwistchia This plant can live as long as 2000 years. This plant starts out as two leaves and just keeps splitting its leaves. This plant looks like its dead since the leaves aren't straight up but its not.

25 Xerus Xeruses are ground squirrels that don’t climb trees. The xerus shades itself with its tail. This squirrel is a South African squirrel.

26 Yardang The desert yardang is land form that forms over the years. The yardang has a lot of names such as a column, pinnacle, and a spire.

27 Zaita The zaita can live in salty soil it is known as the salt lover. It sucks up the salt and dries it’s the leaves and makes it look like fallen snow. The zaita lives in a very different habitat than the regular plants.

28 References Pallotta, Jerry, and Mark Astella. The desert alphabet book. 85 Main Street, Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge, 1994. Print.

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