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Checkpoint 1.3: Offer alternatives for visual information.

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2 Checkpoint 1.3: Offer alternatives for visual information

3 Learning through listening Age Group: All ages Content Area: All

4 The learning through listening resource is geared for all ages and all content areas. Because reading is required for all subject it is crucial that children develop the concept of reading along with reading comprehension. This resource is paired with the Learning Ally which “creates human-narrated audio textbooks, literature and education solutions for students with print and learning disabilities including dyslexia” (Examples 1.3 | National Center On Universal Design for Learning, n.d)

5 How does this help learners meet the goal? The Learning Ally program not only assists readers with print and learning disabilities but it also helps students build their confidence and self esteem. After watching the success stories of students that actually utilized the Learning Ally program it is evident the audio books are a great success. Students have access to the program at home and at school, they are able to down load the program on their phones, tablets, and IPads. While the students are able to access the program anywhere so are the teachers, they are able to track the student’s progress, know what they are reading and how much they are reading By using the audio books students are able to improve their reading ability and reading comprehension as well as develop their vocabulary.

6 How does this account for the variability of all learners? The Leaning Ally allows the students to read on their own individual level in addition to being able to select from a variety of books. The students will also be able to select books that are viable with their reading abilities. Students also improve their reading scores by utilizing this reading program. Is information only being presented in a visual way? The information is presented with visuals in addition to audio. The books human-narrated, this allows students to experience text being read as if it were read by the teacher, themselves, or their peers providing a more realistic experience.

7 I work with three and four year old students who love to have books read on a daily basis. My students also enjoy listening to stories using the listening station that we have in our classroom. I have also actually recorded myself reading books and letting the students play the tapes and follow along with the books. Using audio books is a great way to introduce new information and introduce new vocabulary words to students. References Examples 1.3 | National Center On Universal Design for Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2016, from

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