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The Bremen Town Musicians High Frequency Words  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bremen Town Musicians High Frequency Words  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bremen Town Musicians High Frequency Words  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency.

2 sign  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. sig n

3 scared  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. scared

4 probabl y  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. probably

5 pleasan t  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. pleasant

6 people  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. peop le

7 bought  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. boug h t

8 shall  Recognize high-frequency words in order to improve reading fluency. shal l

9 The Bremen Town Musicians Vocabulary Words  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension.

10 mill  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -a building where grain is crushed into flour

11 musicia n  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -someone who plays music

12 exciteme nt  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -a feeling of being very happy

13 robbers  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -people who steal

14 monster s  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -scary creatures

15 embarass ed  Define vocabulary words in order to improve reading comprehension. -uncomfortable or ashamed

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