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2 You Can’t Always Get What You Want
MLA Heading and Title Your first page should contain an MLA Heading which should be left aligned and double spaced. It should also include you title which should not be bolded, italicized, underlined, or in quotes. Your first page should look like this: Doe 1 John Doe Mr. Calhoun English I – Period 2 2 May 2016 You Can’t Always Get What You Want

3 MLA Formatting Your font needs to be Times New Roman size 12.
Make sure that the font of your last name and page number matches. Your paper should be evenly double-spaced with no additional spaces between paragraphs, titles or headers. Margins should be 1-inch on all sides All paragraphs should be left aligned and indented ½-inch. Your last name and page number should appear on the right-hand side of the header of every page.

4 MLA Citation In addition to formatting, MLA governs how you must cite your sources. Any time you provide evidence from any source other than yourself you must cite your source to give the original author credit for his/her work. There are two different places where you must cite your sources: At the end of your essay in what is called a works cited page Right after the quotation in what is called an in-text citation

5 MLA Works Cited Page The works cited page should include a list all of the works to which you make direct reference or that you paraphrase in your essay arranged in alphabetical order. The words “Works Cited” should function as a title for this page and all citations should be reverse indented. In order to accomplish this use the tool in the margin ruler and drag it to the appropriate locations. See below. Works cited page should look like this for this essay: Doe 3 Works Cited "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May Web. 24 May 2009. Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin. “Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times. New York Times, May Web. 25 May 2009. Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May Web. 25 May 2009.

6 MLA In-Text Citation If you know the author, and the source has page numbers, proper in-text MLA in-text citation looks like this: (Johnson 5) Author’s Last Name| Page # If you know the author, and the source does not have page numbers, proper in-text MLA in-text citation looks like this: (Johnson) Author’s Last Name If the author is not known, and the source has page numbers, proper in-text MLA in-text citation looks like this: ("Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action” 5) Title| Page # If the author is not known, and the source does not have page numbers, proper in-text MLA in-text citation looks like this: ("Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action”) Title

7 MLA In-Text Citation If your quote already contains quotation marks change all quotation marks inside your quotation into apostrophes. You quoting the author begins | The author quoting someone else begins Example: “America will have reason to exclaim, in the words of the poet: ‘FAREWELL! A LONG FAREWELL TO ALL MY GREATNESS!’” (Jay 5). The author quoting someone else ends | You quoting the author ends

8 MLA In-Text Citation If your quotation ends with a period or a comma leave it off of the end of the quotation and place a period after the citation. Example: “For in politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword” (Hamilton 1). If your quotation ends with a question mark or exclamation point, leave it, then place a period after the citation. Example: “Why is it suggested that three or four confederacies would be better than one?” (Jay 4).


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