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The name of this painting is Andromache Mourning Hector by Jacques-Louis David, created on August 22, 1783 in France. Andromache’s husband Hector has.

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Presentation on theme: "The name of this painting is Andromache Mourning Hector by Jacques-Louis David, created on August 22, 1783 in France. Andromache’s husband Hector has."— Presentation transcript:


2 The name of this painting is Andromache Mourning Hector by Jacques-Louis David, created on August 22, 1783 in France. Andromache’s husband Hector has been killed by Achilles and she is being comforted by her son during this hardship.


4 The Purpose of this painting is not clearly stated, one can make their own interpretation about it. I feel that it was created to show the amount of love and affection Andromache had for her husband Hector, and that she is indeed in a state of “mourning”.


6 Anybody who is interested in 18 th Century art, or any type of art with a historic background would mainly be the ones who are interested in a piece like this particular one.


8 The artist uses dark colors along with red to give it a pop of color. Hector is lying on his back on a bed, with Andromache dressed in white with her hand laying on Hector, and her son is in her lap reaching and looking up at her. Andromache has a look of Melancholy and hopelessness on her face. In the lower left hand corner you see a war helmet beside Hector’s bed. There is a light color swept over her face, as if she looking up to the Heavens'.


10 Since pathos deals with emotion, that would be more suitable for this painting because she has just lost her husband and her son is now fatherless. She now has to go on living her life as a widow.

11 David, Jacques-Louis. Andromache Mourning, Boston. Web. 22 Feb 2013.

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