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CLINICAL TEACHING Teaching Characteristics Teaching Behaviors Teaching Style Orientation Toward Students.

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Presentation on theme: "CLINICAL TEACHING Teaching Characteristics Teaching Behaviors Teaching Style Orientation Toward Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLINICAL TEACHING Teaching Characteristics Teaching Behaviors Teaching Style Orientation Toward Students

2 Behaviors: u Available u Competent skills u Respect for students u Information for students on how to improve performance u Clear communication

3 Categories of Effective Teaching Behaviors u evaluating student performance u maintaining conditions for clinical learning u consideration for students u knowledge of dentistry u liking to teach u application of knowledge of dentistry u concern for teaching

4 Assessing Learning Styles u self directed or independent u constant direction u fact-oriented - student has little difficulty in recalling info. u concept-oriented - student has little difficulty in problem solving

5 Teaching Behaviors that: u psychologically enhance the role of the student u technically enhance the role of the instructor

6 CONTINGENCY a three part relationship between a stimuli, a response and a consequence

7 CONDITIONING(learning) u behavior is any kind of response; observable or unobservable u response is a reaction to a stimulus u stimuli are features of the total environment u consequence is a second stimulus u Therefore learning is the process of strengthening the association of the response to given stimuli

8 Respondent Conditioning u automatic response elicited by one stimulus u Pavlov’s dog u i.e., feelings, emotions, autonomic nervous system

9 Operant Conditioning u depends on subsequent effects of consequences u hungry animal presses lever and receives a food pellet; more

10 3 Categories of Contingencies

11 Reinforcement Contingency u Increases the probability of a behavior u “Reward” u Behavior will be repeated

12 Punishment Contingency u decreases the probability of a behavior u causing to inhibit u decrease or not repeat behavior

13 Extinction Contingency u when a responses met with no positive or negative properties other than the stimulus, then the behavior will likely be lost u i.e.., loosing money in a vending machine

14 stimulus - response - consequence Response generated stimuli are the basis for the chains of behaviors that underlie psychomotor learning.

15 stimulus - response - consequence When responses are reinforced the probability of them occurring in the future is increased.

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