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Angiogenesis in rheumatologic disorders. New blood vessels De novo formation Formation from pre existing vessels Endothelial formation from mesenchymal.

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Presentation on theme: "Angiogenesis in rheumatologic disorders. New blood vessels De novo formation Formation from pre existing vessels Endothelial formation from mesenchymal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angiogenesis in rheumatologic disorders

2 New blood vessels De novo formation Formation from pre existing vessels Endothelial formation from mesenchymal precursors Vessel formation from pre existing endothelial cells

3 Free angioblasts appear in mesoderm Angioblasts assemble into cord Differentiate into EC and form tube Primary vascular plexus

4  Sprouting angiogenesis  intussusceptive angiogenesis





9 TNFR TNF-α (low) VEGF-2 experssion VEGFR Tie2 ANG AKt Angiogenesis TNFR TNF-α (high) caspase9 Apoptosis p p cytotoxicity

10 Inflammation Infection Other environmental stress Macrophages lymphocytes fibroblasts keratinocytes TNFR 1 TNF-α TRADD FADD RAIDD RIP caspase 8 BID tBID Cyto C APAF1 Cyto C caspase 9 caspase 2 Casp ase3, 7,6 Casp ase1 cleaves disrupts the outer mitochondrial membrane

11 TRADDTRADD TRADDTRADD RIP TRADDTRADD TRADDTRADD TRA F2 MK K3 p38MAPK MEKK 1 MEKK 7 JNK cJun cFos NIK IKKβ cdc37 NEMO Hsp90 IKKα IΚβ Κβ NF Κβ cIAP Pro- caspase3 FADD Pro- caspase8 TRADD= TNFR-associated death domain RIP= receptor interacting protein TRAF2= TNFR-associated factor 2 FADD=Fas-associated death domain cIAP=cytoplasmic inhibitor of apoptosis protein MAPK=mitogen-activated protein kinase JNK=cJun N-terminal kinase NIK=NF-κB–inducing kinase IKK=inhibitor of κB kinase p38MAPK=p38 mitogen- activated protein kinase MEKK1=mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal–related kinase kinase1 NEMO=NF-κB essential modulator MKK=MAPK kinase transcription factors induce transcription of antiapoptotic, proliferative, immunomodulatory, and inflammatory genes

12 PLCγ Sck VRAP PI3 K PIP 2 PIP 3 PIP 2 Akt/PKB BAD Caspase 9 HSP 90 eNOS NO MKK 3/6 P38 MAPKAPK2/3 HSP27 Actin reorganization Paxilin FAK SHC GR B2 SOS DAG IP3 Ras PKC Ca 2+ Raf1 MEK1/2 Erk1/2 cPLA2

13 Angiogenesis









22 Hypoxia

23 Monocytes CXC4 + lymphocytes CXC4 + CD34+ VEGFR2+ stem cells Mesenchymal stem cells Endothelium cells CXCR4 + chondrocytes Matrix metalloproteinases Differentiate into ECs V-CAM1, Occludin, FAK, ERK1/2, macrophage


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