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Using a Comprehensive Rubric to Evaluate Teacher/Leader School Transformation Capacity Dana McCurdy Eric Barela

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Presentation on theme: "Using a Comprehensive Rubric to Evaluate Teacher/Leader School Transformation Capacity Dana McCurdy Eric Barela"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using a Comprehensive Rubric to Evaluate Teacher/Leader School Transformation Capacity Dana McCurdy Eric Barela

2 Partners in School Innovation “Transform teaching and learning in the lowest-performing public schools so that every student, regardless of background, thrives.”

3 Partners in School Innovation “Transform teaching and learning in the lowest-performing public schools so that every student, regardless of background, thrives.”

4 Why What How Our rubric Lessons learned

5 Age 13 Age 17 Latino Nationwide black and latino 9 year old students have lower reading scores than white students

6 Latino Black and latino 17 year old students score more on par with 13 year old white students


8 Implement PSI Approach with fidelity Build capacity of existing teachers and leaders to transform schools Higher than average gains in student achievement Transformed schools and thriving students

9 Implement PSI Approach with fidelity Build capacity of existing teachers and leaders to transform schools Higher than average gains in student achievement Transformed schools and thriving students Program Implementation Checklist + School Transformation Rubric Standardized Tests +

10 Lead Results-Oriented Cycles of Inquiry Lead Results-Oriented Cycles of Inquiry Develop Systems for Teacher Professional Learning Continuously Improve the Instructional Program Define a Rigorous Curriculum Use Assessments Purposefully Deliver Effective Instruction Professional Development Set Vision Plan Teacher Collaboration Act Instructional Coaching Reflect & Adjust Assess Ensure Academic Success for Every Child

11 Self Score & Triangulation + + +




15 PastPresentFuture Clear Process with loose Framework Clear, step-by step framework Replicable, proven Approach Disconnect between activities and impact Theory of Action developed and being tested Impact Measurement System Purely qualitativeMixed-methodsMixed-methods with strong calibration on quantitative pieces Small sample/ unstable variables = limited data analysis Significance testing of STR data Larger sample and more sophisticated data analysis/ tool validation

16 ① Clear link to Theory of Change, framework, and activities ② Ground in research and practice ③ Make it useful for multiple audiences ④ Make it useful for multiple purposes ⑤ Take time to improve and stabilize tool

17 For more information… Dana McCurdy Eric Barela ________________________________________

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