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Listening to Learners Student evaluation of teacher performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening to Learners Student evaluation of teacher performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening to Learners Student evaluation of teacher performance

2 A good teacher… is kind is generous listens to you encourages you has faith in you keeps confidences likes teaching children likes there subject takes time to explain things helps you when you’re stuck tells you how you are doing allows you to have your say doesn’t give up on you cares for your opinon makes you feel clever treats people equally stands up for you makes allowances tells the truth is forgivingDescriptions of Year 8 pupils

3 Quotes I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth." ~Dan Rather The only reason I always try to meet and know the parents better is because it helps me to forgive their children. ~Louis Johannot Maths teacher: I have 5 bottles in one hand, and 6 in the other. What do I have? Student: A drinking problem.

4 Overview Session 1: Review critical research developed using student feedback Discuss experiences and value of student feedback Review a range of tools to gain student feedback Trial student feedback Session 2: Share experiences of student feedback Evaluate most effective methods Design a new tool for collecting student feedback Trial new tool Session 3: Reflect on the developed tool Develop training protocols for students to use tool Celebrate outcomes

5 Hay McBer – Study into teacher effectiveness Study completed in 2000 Found three factors within a teachers control that significantly influenced pupil progress 1.Teaching skills 2.Professional characteristics 3.Classroom climate Non correlated factors 1.Age 2.Level of experience 3.Qualifications 4.Additional responsibilities

6 Key Questions 1.Does the teacher involve all pupils in the lesson? 2.Does the teacher use a variety of activities/learning methods 3.Does the teacher use a variety of questioning techniques to probe knowledge and understanding 4.Does the teacher encourage pupils to use a variety of problem solving techniques? 5.Does the teacher give clear instructions and explanations? 6.Does practical activity have clear purpose in improving pupils understanding or achievement 7.Does the teacher listen and respond to pupils?

7 Hay McBer’s major tool Out of 150 influences on achievement, Teacher student relationships came out 12. Has an affect size of 0.72. Average effect size over a year of teaching is 0.4. John Hattie – Visible Learning for Teaching 2012

8 Student – Teacher Relationships Out of 150 influences on achievement, Teacher student relationships came out 12. Has an affect size of 0.72. Average effect size over a year of teaching is 0.4. John Hattie – Visible Learning for Teaching 2012

9 Listening to Learners Prompt Questions What is the VALUE of student feedback to the individual classroom teacher? Is it more valuable to some than others? How often should a teacher receive feedback from students? Should this feedback be seen by superiors? Used in appraisals? In what form would we want to receive our feedback? Should feedback be anonymous from students or should we know which student has thought that way?

10 Student Evaluation Tools Tweet Feedback ‘Exit’ Ticket 5min Evaluation Student feedback Card

11 Student Feedback Card

12 Examples

13 5 minute Evaluation

14 Year 8 Year 9

15 Year 10

16 yr 8 yr 9

17 Planning Time Objectives: We would like you to pick two of the student evaluation tools or your own design, to trial between now and the next toolkit session on the 15 th October Feedback in the next session about your experiences Next steps Which of the evaluation methods are you going to use? How are you going to use them? When are you going to use them? Consider methods of feedback your use of these evaluations

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