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R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: ‘R&D in Programme in Water Sector’ MoWR,RD&GR.

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1 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: ‘R&D in Programme in Water Sector’ MoWR,RD&GR

2 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: ‘R&D in Programme in Water Sector’ The programme seeks to promote research activity to address the challenges in water sector by adopting modern techniques and technologies and also to involve research & academic institutions pursuing research in identified / key priority areas of water sector.

3 R&D Programme in Water Sector : 1-R&D in Apex Organisations: Implementation: Through Apex organizations of MoWR, RD&GR viz  Central Soil & Material Research Station (CSMRS),  Central Water & Power Research Station (CWPRS),  National Institute of Hydrology (NIH); and  Central Water Commission (CWC) RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION:  Basic and applied research  Creation & Upgradation of research facilities  Training of personnel

4 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: The four premier organisations of the Ministry are presently carrying out research of applied nature and provide solutions to the demand driven problems through their specific research activities Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune: It carries out research in the area of hydraulics and undertakes research activities by constructing physical models to address actual problems related to irrigation, floods, hydropower, navigation, coastal works etc.

5 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Central Soil and Material Research Station: It is involved in the research related to construction materials, concrete technology, geophysics, rock mechanics, soil mechanics and rockfill testing technology. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee: It is devoted to systematic and scientific studies in all aspects of hydrology with the objective of improving the present practices in planning, design and operation of water resources projects.

6 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Central Water Commission: Associated with studies in the field of Reservoir Sedimentation surveys, Remote sensing studies and Morphological studies.

7 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Sponsoring and Coordinating research in water sector: Keeping the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water resources planning and development in view, the issues involved in research related to particular region and specific project cannot be addressed completely through the premier organizations of Ministry. In order to encourage research activities of this nature, Ministry of Water Resources is sponsoring research schemes through three Indian National Committees (INCs) viz: on Surface Water, Ground Water and Climate Change. These activities are continued during the XII Plan period.

8  Providing financial assistance to IITs, Universities, research organizations etc. for taking up research in water sector Implementation: Through Indian National Committees (INCs) constituted by the Ministry and Standing Advisory Committee headed by Secretary (WR, RD&GR). INCSubjectChairman Member Secretary Secret- ariat Indian National Committee on Surface Water (INCSW) Surface Water Chairman, CWC Chief engineer, EMO, CWC CWC, New Delhi Indian National Committee on Ground Water (INCGW) Ground Water Chairman, CGWB Suptg. Hydro- geologist, CGWB CGWB, New Delhi Indian National Committee on Climate Change (INCCC) Climate Change Mission Director, NWM Director, NIH NIH, Roorkee RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION:

9 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Dissemination of research findings and technology transfer: the task of dissemination of research findings to all concerned for its application in field is accomplished through publication of research papers, reports, organizing and sponsoring seminars / workshops.

10 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Evaluation of R&D Activities and Consultancies: Evaluation of R&D activities is conducted by engaging independent consultants. Besides, studies are also undertaken through consultancy in priority areas such as (a)Water Use Efficiency (b)Post Project Performance Evaluation (c)Environment Impact Assessment in respect of completed / upcoming irrigation projects and other areas (d)including impact of climate change on water resources and awareness thereof.

11 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: YearSchemePhysical TargetsAchievement of targets reasons for shortfall 2012-13 Research and Development Programme Research / Technical reports - 190 Research papers - 240 Training and workshop - 29 Research / Technical reports - 227 Research papers - 285 Training and workshop - 55 No Short Fall 2013-14 Research and Development Programme Research/Technical reports - 218 Research papers - 260 Training and workshop - 33 Research / Technical reports - 295 Research papers - 296 Training and workshop - 60 No Short Fall 2014-15 Research and Development Programme Research/Technical reports - 229 Research papers - 270 Training and workshop - 37 Research / Technical reports - 259 Research papers - 335 Training and workshop - 66 No Short Fall 2015-16Research and Development Programme Research/Technical reports - 253 Research papers - 280 Training and workshop- 37 Research / Technical reports - 193 Research papers - 258 Training and workshop - 43 No Short Fall (Till Feb, 2016) XII Plan Physical Target & Achievements

12 Stakeholders Centric R&D in Water Sector Contributions by MoWR,RD&GR

13 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD&GR) implemented Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) involving 5000 demonstrations in Phase-I at a cost of Rs.24.47 crore with the help of 60 Institutes viz. Agricultural Universities, Institutes of India Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Water and Land Management Institutes (WALMIs) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) during initial phase of XI Plan (2007-2010). During the 2nd Phase of FPARP, MoWR,RD&GR awarded the work to 31 Institutes for carrying out 2921 demonstrations, which was also completed by 31.12.2012 at a cost of Rs.14.43 crore.

14 R&D Programme in Water Sector : RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) DIVISION: Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) Completion reports received from the institutes, in general, the demonstrations show a saving of water ranging between 5% to 54% (wheat from 5% to 33%, vegetables from 23% to 40% and paddy from 25% to 54%) and crop yield improvement ranging between 10% to 62% (wheat ranging from 16% to 43%, vegetables from 10 to 23%, paddy from 10 to 62%).

15 Stakeholders Centric R&D in Water Sector Contributions by Indian National Committee on Irrigation & Drainage (INCID)























38 Large Scale Adaptability of DRIP, Sprinkler & PIPE Irrigation will define ways for Make in India- Large scale Industrial production of DRIP, Sprinkler & PIPE Irrigation products Skill Development- For Operation & Maintenance of DRIP, Sprinkler & PIPE Irrigation infrastructure Employment Generation- From Higher/Middle to Field level Water Conservation/Use Efficiency Enhancing Farmers Income


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