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Fuções do RCE Lider: a) Coordenar tecnicamente do ponto de vista de certificação os contatos com o CTA; b) Participar e cogerenciar as reuniões técnicas.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuções do RCE Lider: a) Coordenar tecnicamente do ponto de vista de certificação os contatos com o CTA; b) Participar e cogerenciar as reuniões técnicas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuções do RCE Lider: a) Coordenar tecnicamente do ponto de vista de certificação os contatos com o CTA; b) Participar e cogerenciar as reuniões técnicas Embraer/CTA e autoridades estrangeiras; c) Verificar qualidade dos relatórios antes de serem enviados ao CTA; d) Acompanhar internamente o andamento do projeto na sua área; e) Ter visibilidade das conformidades para os ensaios f) Ter conhecimento do cronograma da modificação na sua área; g) Analisar o Certification Plan da Modificação e recomendar aprovação para o CTA; e h) Manter o CTA informado do andamento do projeto. i) Gerenciar os demais RCEs envolvidos na modificação

2 CTA - Program Management Branch (HGP) Certification Programs SJC, 25 September 2003 013/HGP/2003

3 Project Manager: Orchestrates project and gets the job done The Project Manager is the focal point for the project; they coordinate and direct the team effort and ensure things are kept moving.

4 Steps in the TC Process PMEngineerInpectorFTPAPP 1.Familiarization Meeting  2.Formal Application  3. Preliminary TC Board  4. Certification Plan  5. Technical Meetings  6. Pre-Flight TC Board  7. TIA  8. Conformity and Cert Flight Tests  9.AEG Determinations  10. Final TC Board  11. TC 

5 ERJ 170 – 6 th Schedule Embraer Application date (to CTA and FAA): 20 May 1999 Preliminary Type Certificate Board Meeting: 14 June 2000 First Flight: 19 February 2002 Preflight Board Meeting : 07 - 08 November 2002 Certification flight tests started: November 2002 Final Type Certificate Board Meeting (1 st Phase): 20 October 2003 Final Type Certificate Board Meeting (2 nd Phase): 03 November 2003 Type Certificate from CTA expected by: 07 Nov. 03

6 Summary of figures adopted for planning (new TC project) Ref. CTA document “CTA Pre-conditions and Assumptions Used for Planning Purposes”, rev. 8

7 Development of criteria/figures Past certification programs (not necessarily documented) Actual measurements made throughout the EMB-135BJ and EMB-145XR certification programs Actual measurements made during the ERJ-170 program (ongoing)

8 TC activities breakdown Certification Tests –Ground tests –Flight tests Certification Reports Meetings and other Certification Activities Pre-TC Issuance Activities

9 Ground Tests August 20012,000 m-h December 2001 unchanged April 2002unchanged October 2002 unchanged April 2003unchanged

10 Flight Tests August 2001500 FT hours (4,000 m-h) December 2001 unchanged April 2002300 FT hours (2,400 m-h) October 2002unchanged April 2003320 FT hours (2,600 m-h)

11 Certification Reports August 200135 m-h per report December 2001 15 m-h per report* April 2002unchanged October 200214 m-h per report April 200316 m-h per report * 11 m-h for a derivative model

12 Meetings and other certification activities Specialist meetings: 11.5 m-h per specialist per week (78 weeks) and 2 m-h per spec. per week (52 weeks) Formal CTA certification meetings: 3 days per specialist per meeting (22 m-h) Support to FCAA meetings: 2 days per specialist per meeting (15 m-h) Published documents review and approval: 4,500 m-h total

13 Pre-TC Issuance Activities* (considered for planning purposes only after Dec. 2001) Completion of reports review Final stage of FCAR´s Aircraft engineering inspection pending issues Closing of all open items Preparation of final TCBM minutes TCDS preparation and release AFM and MRB final review, etc. *To be performed after final TCBM during a 30 calendar days period.

14 Specialists effective available time* August 20016.5 h/day December 2001 7.0 h/day April 20027.5 h/day October 2002unchanged April 2003unchanged *For all programs and activities

15 Specialists effective available time for activities other than certification programs* August 20012.5 h/day December 2001unchanged April 2002unchanged October 2002 unchanged April 2003unchanged *SB´s, SD´s, design changes, foreign project validations, training, etc.

16 CTA engineering work force August 200125 (average) 34 (total) December 2001 29 (average) 32 (peak) April 200232 (average) 40 (36+4 - peak) October 200233 (average) 42 (peak) April 200346 (average) 50 (total)

17 ERJ 170 CTA Schedules Established in:CTA TC expected by: 1 st PTCBM (June 2002) October 2002 2 nd September 200131 March 2003 3 rd April 200231 March 2003 4 th October 200227 June 2003 5 th April 2003July 2003 6 th September 2003November 2003 (4y + 6m)

18 Status Certification Activities (Estimated total m-h: 95,000 – To finish: 5,000 ) ActivitiesTotalTo finish Reports1300 650 CTA (50%)180 (80 to be issued) Meetings130 w6 w Support to FCAA41 Pre TC Activities45003500 (3w) Ground Tests22008 ongoing 16 (to start) Flight Test320 flight hours250 flight hours

19 ERJ-170 – CTA flight test effort breakdown (320 h. over a 5-month time frame) (April 2003) AFM Performance30 Flying Qualities25 Stalls20 Flight Controls20 Powerplant / fuel15 APU05 Avionics25 Autopilot20 Natural icing / dry air40 Ice shapes15 Mech. Systems20 Hydraulic Systems05 Noise30 F & R50

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