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CHICAGO. Museum of Science & Industry Shedd Aquarium Willis (Sears) Tower White Sox Game! Navy Pier Medieval Times Dinner Tournament DEEP DISH PIZZA Debevec’s.

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2 Museum of Science & Industry Shedd Aquarium Willis (Sears) Tower White Sox Game! Navy Pier Medieval Times Dinner Tournament DEEP DISH PIZZA Debevec’s Mean Diner

3 Chicago Approximate cost: 20 people: $450 30 people: $400 plus money for food & shopping 4 days/3 nights & motor coach

4 Rapid City, SD

5 Mammoth Site Mt. Rushmore Cave Tours Zip Lining! Wind Cave & Jewel Cave Dinner Theater Crazy Horse Watiki Water Park Cosmos ’s Myster y Area Devil’s Tower

6 South Dakota Approximate Cost: 20 people: $450 30 people: $400 plus money for food & shopping 4 days/3 nights & motor coach

7 Wisconsin Dells

8 International Crane Foundation The House on the Rock Kalahari Water Park Duck Boat Tours

9 WI Dells Approximate Cost: 20 people: $350 30 people: $300 plus money for food & shopping 4 days/3 nights & school bus

10 Minneapolis

11 Twins game Water Park of America Science Museum Chanhassen Dinner Theater Mall of America Como Zoo Art Museum

12 Minneapolis Approximate Cost: 20 people: $350.00 30 people: $300.00 plus money for food and shopping 4 days/3 nights & school bus

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