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Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners Citrus County Sheriff’s Office & Partners

2  Emergency Management plans for and responds to both natural and man-made disasters  EM is made up of four phases: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, & Mitigation  Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (C.E.M.P.) establishes the framework authorized by Chapter 252. It is a plan that is a living document that we follow during disasters. It is reviewed by FDEM every 4 years. Ours next review will be done in 2011.

3  Emergency Support Functions (E.S.F) ESF 1 TRANSPORTATION  Primary: CC Transit  Support: NCEMS, CC Fleet Management, CC School Board ESF 2 COMMUNICATIONS  Primary: CCSO  Support: ARES/RACES amateur radio operators, Embarq

4 ESF 3 PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING  Primary: CC Road Maintenance  Support: Cities of Crystal River & Inverness Public Works, FDTP, CC Utilities, CC Solid Waste Management ESF 4 FIREFIGHTING  Primary: CC Fire Rescue  Support: City of Crystal River Fire Department, Florida Division of Forestry ESF 5 INFORMATION & PLANNING  Primary: CCSO Emergency Management Section  Support: All ESFs

5 ESF 6 MASS CARE  Primary: CCSO Emergency Management Section  Support: American Red Cross, Salvation Army, CCHD, NCEMS, CCSO, ARES/RACES, CC Community Support Services ESF 7 RESOURCES  Primary: CCSO  Support: BOCC, Cities of CR & Inverness Finance, Road Maint., School Board, CC Utilities, Department of Development Services

6 ESF 8 HEALTH & MEDICAL SERVICES  Primary: CCHD  Support: NCEMS, CC Public Works, CC Transit, CC School Board, Home Health Care Agencies, CMH, Seven Rivers Hospital ESF 9 URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE  Primary: CC Fire Rescue  Support: City of CR Fire Department, CCSO, NCEMS, CC Transit, CC Public Works, CC Community Support Services, CC School Board

7 ESF 10 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL  Primary: CC Fire Rescue Special Operations  Support: CCHD, CCSO, CC Public Works, FDEM, FDEP, Florida Dept of Health, FDOT, FDLE, FFWC, Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Service, NRC ESF 11 FOOD & WATER  Primary: Salvation Army  Support: American Red Cross, CC Community Support Services, CCHD, CC Fleet Management

8 ESF 12 ENERGY  Primary: Progress Energy  Support: SECO, WREC, CC Fleet Management ESF 13 MILITARY SUPPORT  Primary: FLNG  Support: CCSO ESF 14 PUBLIC INFORMATION  Primary: CCSO  Support: BOCC, CCSO EM, All Primary ESF’s

9 ESF 15 VOLUNTEER & DONATIONS  Primary: NCVC  Support: CCSO EM, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, United Way ESF 16 LAW ENFORCEMENT & SECURITY  Primary: CCSO  Support: RDSTF, FBI, FDLE, FHP ESF 17 ANIMAL ISSUES  Primary: CC Animal Services  Support: CCSO EM Section

10  During any disaster EM Director will ensure that all proper notifications are made to key decision makers Regular phone call E-mail distribution list CodeRed Video conference (Region 4 Counties) Conference call Satellite phones & State Warning Point

11  When a storm looks like it might affect the State of Florida, conference calls w/FDEM & Tampa weather begin (any where from 3 to 5 days out)  When the storm is three days from striking our area we start regional conference calls  During both processes mentioned above EM Director begins sending e-mails and making phone calls to the proper decision makers  Hurrevac posts new projected tracks of a storm at 11am, 5pm, 11pm and 5am. Coordinates are posted at 8am, 2pm, 8pm and 2am. Decision making is critical.

12  When it looks like a storm is going to affect our area, the following policy groups will be brought together: BOCC Chairperson CCSO and EM Director County Administrator City of Crystal River and Inverness City Managers Legal counsel Any constitutional officer that might be affected Health Department


14  COOP is an effort within individual departments and agencies to ensure the continued performance of minimum essential functions during a wide range of potential emergencies. This is accomplished through the development of plans, comprehensive procedures, and provisions for alternate facilities, personnel, resources, interoperable communications, and vital records/databases.

15  The following areas all have COOP plans, which are continuously updated: CC Fire Rescue CC Public works CCSO CCSO EM CCSO 911 communications NCEMS

16  City of Crystal River  City of Inverness  Clerk of the Circuit Courts  Property Appraiser  Superintendent of Schools  Supervisor of Elections  Tax Collector



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