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The Big Interview Vera Walson EDU 650 Instructor Jackie W. Kyger, Ed. D. January, 11, 2016 Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Interview Vera Walson EDU 650 Instructor Jackie W. Kyger, Ed. D. January, 11, 2016 Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Interview Vera Walson EDU 650 Instructor Jackie W. Kyger, Ed. D. January, 11, 2016 Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

2 About Me Hello, my name is Vera Walson, I am glad that you chose me at Bankston Elementary as one of the teachers to interview for the lead teacher position. I am currently a preschool teacher here at Bankston Elementary. I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Education from Ashford University in November of 2015. I am also licensed certified in-home child care provider, which I have been for the past four years. I love children and believe that all children can learn if given the opportunity.

3 Education Philosophy Education is the method that is used to teach students different way of learning that will help them not only today, but throughout their lives. Teachers should be willing to use a method that students understand so that they will comprehend what is being taught. Teachers should be willing to share their plans and ideas with the parents so that they will know what their children are doing at school. Everyone deserves to receive a proper education regardless of their cultural or ethnic background.

4 Classroom Management The first step in classroom management is to let the students know what is expected from them and what they can expect from the teacher. The rules are set so that the teacher can have time to do what they need to do with each student to ensure learning. Students will learn and follow the rules so that there is enough time for teaching. If the rules are broken there will be consequences that the student will face.

5 Different School Models Different schools use different models to teach the students by, but the most important factor is that students learn. Technological equipment will be used in the classroom to help enhance the student learning. Students success come first; so the teacher will teach at a pace so that all the children can learn. The teacher will adhere to the standards that the school has chosen for the students enrolled here.

6 Effective Lesson Plan and Design The lesson plan will be easy to read and ensure that each student will accomplish the goal that is set for them. The lesson will consist of what the student will learn and that the children have the ability to learn. The backward design plan will be used in class. In backward design the teacher will write the goal, the steps, and the activity for the lesson. The students will use the lessons they have learned and build on them.

7 Assessment Matters When considering what the student is learning in school a person has to look at assessment. Assessment allows the teacher to see if the student is comprehending what is being taught. There are different measures of assessment, formative and summative, to see if the students are learning. The teacher can see throughout the year if the student is learning and try a different measure if they are not. The teacher also can see at the end of the course if the student has overcome obstacles during the course.

8 Professional Learning Communities Teachers must be willing to give their time, share their ideas with others, and not worry about the financial benefits. The teacher must believe in and share the school vision before they can even consider being a leader. (Newman, 2013) The teacher must be able to analyze and use data. (Lopez, 2013) This is a very important step because it is used to help students learn.

9 Thank You I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for even considering me for this position. I feel that I am the best person for this position because of my education and I love I have for ensuring that all children learn. I look forward to working with you in the very near future. You could have considered someone else, but instead you chose me. Again thank you and I hope to be working with you soon.

10 Reference Lopez, D. (2013) No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools. (2 nd ed.) Turnaround School Publications. Retrieved from MOTTOS & SLOGANS (n. d.) AMITY PRINTING. Retrieved from Newman, R. (2013) Teaching and learning in the 21 st century Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from

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