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Cassava CI Project 3: Implementing MARS Project for drought tolerance.

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1 Cassava CI Project 3: Implementing MARS Project for drought tolerance

2 MARS trial at Kano

3 Introduced by Federer (1956) Controls (check varieties) are replicated in a standard experimental design New treatments (genotypes) are not replicated, or have fewer replicates than the checks – they augment the standard design Augmented Designs Used in plant breeding during early generations + Seed, Land and other resources are limited + Want to evaluate as many genotypes as possible + Difficult to maintain homogeneous blocks when comparing so many genotypes Unreplicated designs can make good use of scarce resources + Evaluate more genotypes + Test in more environments Provide an estimate of standard error that can be used for comparisons + Among the new genotypes + Between new genotypes and check varieties


5 Flapjack

6 Genetic Map



9 TraitsMinimumMaximumAverageStd DevDakata Number of Scars (6MAP)256344.858.9335 Plant height (m: 6MAP)6218798.1124.1590 Branching height (m)5119082.8724.2481 Length of stems with scars (m)3611969.2915.6862 Number of leaves (6MAP)2030889.4360.1790 Branching levels (6MAP)131.120.431 Summary of morphology data or the selected Latin American and elite local varieties evaluated at Minjibir,

10 Phenotyping  Phenotyping for key traits:  Photosynthesis  Stomatal conductance  Abscisic acid  Stem starch Partner: Cornell university



13 TRAITCHRMLEFTMARKERLEFTMARKERNAMERIGHTMARKERRIGHTMARKERNAMELOD HI4M177MH004L16-MR-SNPM17830828-SNP5.326 DMC4M176MH156J22-MR-SNPM177MH004L16-MR-SNP4.0804 DYLD1M026Me_v4_MEF_c_1640M027Me_v4_MEF_c_16416.8818 DYLD 2M066Me_v4_MEF_c_3171M067MH006H24-MR-SNP5.2917 DYLD3M124Me_v4_MEF_c_2334M125MH060L20-MR-SNP7.9659 DYLD5M21630634-SNPM220Me_v4_MEF_c_00158.0536 DYLD7M1899422_134M190Me_v4_MEF_c_22886.8497 DYLD14M4252257-SNPM42630109-SNP7.717 DYLD18M501Me_v4_MEF_c_2327M502Me_v4_MEF_c_23267.0137 Marker trait association analysis

14 Infrastructure for MARS

15 Cassava Breeding Community of Practice: Accomplishments in the GCP and the Years Ahead

16 The Task – second phase (2011 -2013) To increase routine use of markers in breeding To increase routine use of markers in breeding Development of new generation of breeders Development of new generation of breeders Improvement in data management and analysis Improvement in data management and analysis To develop partial inbred lines To develop partial inbred lines Gene pool development for farmer and end- user key traits (architecture, yield, dry matter) Gene pool development for farmer and end- user key traits (architecture, yield, dry matter)

17 Breeder – breeder visit

18 Expansion of CoP Old countries Nigeria Nigeria Ghana Ghana Tanzania Tanzania Uganda Uganda New countries Liberia Liberia Kenya Kenya Mozambique Mozambique DRC DRC Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Malawi Malawi South Sudan South Sudan Ethiopia Ethiopia CG centers: IITA & CIAT CG centers: IITA & CIAT

19 Routine use of markers in Breeding Marker-assisted selection (MAS) Marker-assisted selection (MAS) Mapping SNP markers around CMD2 gene Mapping SNP markers around CMD2 gene Serial #Markers 1NS 169 2NS 890 3NS 149 4SSRY 83 5SSRY 106 6SSRY 103 7SSRY 28 8NS 158 9NS 198 10EME 425 11EME 171_1 12NS 162 13NS 124

20 Gene pool development F1S1 Families

21 Value addition in disease resistance genetic background Latin American cassava germplasm Latin American cassava germplasm About 2000 genotypes in seedling and in vitro cultures evaluated About 2000 genotypes in seedling and in vitro cultures evaluated Traits: PPD, protein, beta carotene, drought tolerance, starch yield, plant architecture Traits: PPD, protein, beta carotene, drought tolerance, starch yield, plant architecture Landraces Landraces Partners: CIAT, IITA

22 Inbreeding: toward partial inbreds

23 CoP workshops First phase IITA, Nigeria – 2008 IITA, Nigeria – 2008 NaCRRI, Uganda – 2009 NaCRRI, Uganda – 2009 CRI, Ghana - 2010 CRI, Ghana - 2010 Second phase ARI, Tanzania – 2012 ARI, Tanzania – 2012 SARI, Ethiopia - 2013 SARI, Ethiopia - 2013

24 Development of genetic stocks S 2, S 3 lines S 2, S 3 lines Starch, Starch, beta carotene beta carotene CBSD CBSD Genetic stocks for CBSD tolerance in Tanzania Hybridization

25 Release of MAS developed varieties CR 37-108 CR 36-2 CR 14A-1 CR 36-5

26 CoP Breeding support through IBP Breeding support through IBP Training on Data management Training on Data management ICASS ICASS producing field books, producing field books, Genetic profiles for planning crosses, Genetic profiles for planning crosses, Tools for adding new breeding methods, new data fields, and new traits Tools for adding new breeding methods, new data fields, and new traits

27  Tim Setter  Chiedozie Egesi  Elizabeth Parkes  Bright Peprah  Joseph Onyeka  Hannibal  Lydia Ezenwaka  Ugochukwu Ikeogu  Zander Myburg  Geoffrey Mkamilo  Marcos Malosetti Acknowledgement  Emmanuel Okogbenin  Xavier Delannay  Ndeye Ndack Diop  Joseph Adjerbeng  Olalekan Akinbo  Ezenwanyi Uba  Yemi Olojede  Pablo Rabonowicz  Morag Ferguson  Melaku Gedil  Larry Butler  Fred Vaneeuwikj

28 Thank You!

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