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Unit 1: Introduction Health & Wellness 8 th Grade Health Mr. Springer.

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1 Unit 1: Introduction Health & Wellness 8 th Grade Health Mr. Springer

2 What Do You Think Of When You Hear The Word Health? Definition: Combination of the physical, mental/emotional, and social well –being. Social Health- Involves getting along with other people. This includes being a caring family member, giving & receiving support when needed, etc. Mental/Emotional Health- Involves liking and accepting yourself for who you are. This includes finding solutions to problems, expresing emotions in healthy ways and finding positive ways to manage stress. Physical Health- Involves taking care of your body, including eating well-balanced meals, being physically active, getting enough rest, and having regular medical checkups.

3 Wellness Definition: Is an overall state of well-being, or total health Every decision that you make can affect your wellness Ex. Eating a healthy breakfast (physical) results in better mental performance (mental/emotional) allowing you to succeed and function better in school (social).

4 Wellness Triangle Mental/ Emotional SocialPhysical YOU!

5 Taking Responsibility For Your Health What does the word responsibility mean to you? Write a brief definition, then list the ways you show that you are responsible. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

6 Textbook Assignment: Taking Responsibility For Your Health Answer questions #1-7 on page 19 after reading pg. 14-19 in your textbook. Please use complete sentences. Use the handout provided to record your answers. Please print your first and last name on the space provided. The textbook assignment is classwork and is worth 20 pts.

7 Lesson 3 Review Pg. 19 Name________________________ 1. In the context of health, what are lifestyle factors? Answer: Behaviors and habits that help determine a person’s level of health. 2. Define risk behaviors? Answer: An action or behavior that might cause injury or harm to you or others.

8 Lesson 3 Review Pg. 19 Cont’d 3. What health risks are particularly associated with teens? Answer: Tobacco/alcohol/drug use, Sedentary lifestyle, Sexual activity, Poor diet 4. How can you avoid the consequences associated with cumulative risks? Answer: By planning ahead and taking precautions.

9 Lesson 3 Review Pg. 19 Cont’d 5. Name 2 personal qualities that demonstrate that you are ready for more responsibility. Answer: Having a positive attitude and using self- control. 6. Look at the list of positive lifestyle factors in Fig. 1.4 on Pg. 15. Choose one and think of ways you could develop it as a personal habit. Answer:

10 Lesson 3 Review Pg. 19 Cont’d 7. Why is it important to be well informed about health. Answer: Being informed helps you gain the tools you need to maintain and improve health and wellness.

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