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Grant Activities, Needs Assessments And other SPDG application Issues to Consider.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Activities, Needs Assessments And other SPDG application Issues to Consider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Activities, Needs Assessments And other SPDG application Issues to Consider

2 Things to consider in planning SPDG activities  Partnerships with other persons and organizations concerned with the education of children with disabilities,  How activities will be coordinated with other personnel development activities including those supported with part B and part C funds  How the SPDG work will align with the work under sections 1111 and 2101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

3 Things to consider in planning SPDG activities  Strategies to address professional development and personnel needs In LEAs and service agencies for infants and toddlers with disabilities.  Recruitment and retention of high quality teachers and other qualified personnel in areas of greatest need;

4 Needs Assessment Considerations  What are the State and Local needs for Personnel Preparation and Professional Development as well as individuals who provide direct supplementary aids and services to children with disabilities?  What are the professional development and personnel needs In LEAs and service agencies for infants and toddlers with disabilities?  What areas in the state are in greatest need of recruitment and retention of high quality special education teachers and other related service personnel?

5 Potential Sources of Needs Assessment Data  State survey of personnel needs  Lea surveys of personnel needs  Ed’s National Teacher Shortage Area List Ed’s National Teacher Shortage Area List  Data submitted to Ceedar CenterCeedar Center

6 Personnel who can be supported in SPDG activities  Special education teachers and early intervention personnel along with:  regular education teachers  principals, administrators  related services personnel  paraprofessionals

7 Use of 90% of Funds  (a) Per fiscal year, PD related to 1 or more of the following:  special education and regular education teachers of children with disabilities and principals  academic and or other development needs of students with disabilities; including those with low incidence disabilities  effective instructional strategies  use of State academic content standards and data from State assessments, to improve teaching practices and student academic achievement;

8 Use of 90% of Funds (cont.)  ensuring effective IEP/ IFSP meetings.  recruitment and retention of special educators/ early intervention service providers  PD provided through IHE partnerships  effective use and integration of technology into teaching

9 Use of up to 10% of Funds (b) Per fiscal year may be used for 1 or more of the following:  Reforming teacher certification or licensing requirements  Alternative Routes for Certification of SPED Teachers  SPED Teacher advancement initiatives (lead teacher, mentor, ) including pay differential

10 Up to 10% of Funds (Cont.)  Recruitment and Retention mechanisms for SPED teachers  Reforming SPED teacher tenure systems  Implementing subject matter or state certification testing for SPED teachers  Promotion of reciprocity of SPED teacher certification/licensing between or among states  Assisting LEAs to serve children with disabilities through intensive, cost effective and accessible PD programs (e.g. distance learning)

11 Up to 10% of Funds  Assisting LEAs in developing merit based performance systems for SPED teachers  Supporting activities to ensure teachers can use challenging State academic content standards and state assessments to improve instruction.  Coordinating with general education recruitment centers to benefit SPED teachers.

12 Consider Students with Low Incidence Disabilities PA SPDG:  PD to effectively teach Students with low Incidence disabilities and complex support needs content aligned with PA Common Core  Consistent with Nov 15, 2015 Policy Letter from Assistant Secretary Michael Yudin and former OSEP Director Melody Musgrove.  Focus on effective instruction for LI students (PA has a Four Step Process);  Ensure school leaders have the competencies to implement policies, practices and procedures that support the learning of LI students;

13 PD for Teachers of Students with Low Incidence Disabilities PA SPDG (Cont):  Ensure LI students effectively participate and engage in standards-aligned instruction using communication supports and assistive technology, when needed;  Ensure parents have high expectations of achievement for LI students; and,  Ensure Institutions of Higher Education prepare educators and leaders with these competencies

14 PD for Teachers of Students with Low Incidence Disabilities  Partnerships: PTICs, IHEs, LEAs, and other parts of the State PD system  Focused on systems change  Based on effective, evidence-based professional development practices.

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