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Extension Roles in Complex Issues (Patton and Blaine, 2001) Content expert roles (focus on research & teaching) – Issue monitor – Issue researcher – Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension Roles in Complex Issues (Patton and Blaine, 2001) Content expert roles (focus on research & teaching) – Issue monitor – Issue researcher – Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension Roles in Complex Issues (Patton and Blaine, 2001) Content expert roles (focus on research & teaching) – Issue monitor – Issue researcher – Information provider – Technical advisor – Policy analyst

2 Extension Roles in Complex Issues (Patton and Blaine, 2001) Process expert roles (focus on facilitating resolution of the public issues) – Stakeholder analyst – Meeting convener – Meeting facilitator – Issue framer – Public forum convener – Forum moderator – Designer/moderator of formal dispute-resolution process

3 Which of these process roles do you feel are important? (choose all that apply) 1.Educator/information source/content expert 2.Networker 3.Convener 4.Meeting Facilitator 5.Public issue analyst 6.Issue framer 7.Process designer 8.Conflict manager 9.Catalyst for collaboration 10.Facilitation trainer (just press “0”)

4 Which of these process roles do you already feel equipped to do? (all that apply) 1.Educator/information source/content expert 2.Networker 3.Convener 4.Meeting Facilitator 5.Public issue analyst 6.Issue framer 7.Process designer 8.Conflict analyst/manager 9.Catalyst for collaboration 10.Facilitation trainer (just press “0”)

5 Which of these process roles do you feel are most important as initial training topics? (top 3) 1.Educator/information source/content expert 2.Networker 3.Convener 4.Meeting Facilitator 5.Public issue analyst 6.Issue framer 7.Process designer 8.Conflict manager 9.Catalyst for collaboration 10.Facilitation trainer (just press “0”)

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