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Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains Period 1 ( SectionA 1a--1c )

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2 Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains Period 1 ( SectionA 1a--1c )

3 Guess the names of the stories according to the pictures.

4 a. Sleeping Beauty b. Cinderella c. The Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs c. The Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs d. The Little Mermaid e. the Emperor ’ s New Clothes ( 1 ) --- ( ) ( 2 ) --- ( ) ( 3 ) --- ( ) ( 4 ) --- ( ) a c bd

5 Ask and answer Do you know some traditional Chinese stories ? Can you give us some example?

6 Do you know about these stories? Journey to the West Hou Yi Shoots the Suns Yu Gong Moves a Mountain Nu Wa Repairs the Sky [ ʃ u:t] Hou Yi Monkey King Nu WaYu Gong Preview 1a

7 shoot v. stone n. weak adj. god n. remind v. bit n. a little bit silly adj. instead of 射击;发射 石头 虚弱的;无力的 神;上帝 提醒;使想起 一点;小块 有点儿;稍微 愚蠢的;不明事理的 代替;反而 New Words

8 1. Where did Yu Gong live? He lived near the mountains. 2. What do you think of the mountains? High and big. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

9 What will you do if you live near a mountain ? Group discussion ( 小组讨论 )

10 What did Yu Gong decide to do? 1b He decided to move the mountains. First -Listening Listen and answer the question. ____ The two mountains were very high and big. ____ A very old man tried to move the mountains. ____ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it. ✓ ✓

11 Listen again and write “T” for true and “F” for false. 1. The mountains were low and small. ( ) 2. The old man decided to move the mountains alone. ( ) 3. They don’t know where to put all the earth and stone. ( ) 4. They start digging the next day. ( ) F F T F Second-listening high and big With his family know

12 Yu Gong moves the mountains

13 Anna wants to know about it Once upon a time, there was a very _____ man. There were ______ mountains ________ his house. They were ____ high and _____ that it _____ a long time _____ walk to the other side. old two near sobig took to 从前

14 Anna Well , the old man told his _______ that they should all help ____ _____ the mountains. family to move

15 Anna [stə ʊ n] Yu Gong said they could put it ____ the ____ because it's ____ _____ to hold everything. So they all started _______ the next day. into sea big enough digging


17 ListenListen again and choose the best answer. Listen 1, A man saw Yu Gong and his _________ when they were working on moving the mountains. A. family B. wife C.children 2. He told Yu Gong he could never do it because_____________. A. He was old B. He was so weak C. A&B [wi:k]

18 Listen again and choose the best answer. 3. As soon as the man finished ________, Yu Gong said that his ____could continue to move the mountains after he died. A. talking; family B. speaking; children C. talking; children 4. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent _____ gods to take the mountains away. A. three B. two C. four [ ɡɒ d]

19 Listen again and choose the best answer. 5. This story reminds us that_______ A. you can never know what's possible unless you try to make it happen B. Yu Gong is so silly C. Yu Gong could do many other ways instead of moving the mountains. [r ɪ 'ma ɪ nd]

20 ListenListen again and choose the best answer. Listen 1, A man saw Yu Gong and his _________ when they were working on moving the mountains. A. family B. wife C.children 2. He told Yu Gong he could never do it because_____________. A. He was old B. He was so weak C. A&B [wi:k]

21 Listen again and choose the best answer. 3. As soon as the man finished ________, Yu Gong said that his ____could continue to move the mountains after he died. A. talking; family B. speaking; children C. talking; children 4. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent _____ gods to take the mountains away. A. three B. two C. four [ ɡɒ d]

22 Listen again and choose the best answer. 5. This story reminds us that_______ A. you can never know what's possible unless you try to make it happen B. Yu Gong is so silly C. Yu Gong could do many other ways instead of moving the mountains. [r ɪ 'ma ɪ nd] 除非你试着让某事发生,要不你永远 不知道什么是可能的 How to end the story

23 Retell the stories Once upon a time, there was..., called.... near his house, so high and big that... told his family that The next day, they.... So far, We have learned how to begin a stories and the beginning of Yu Gong moves mountains Do you know the rest of the stories?

24 Retell the stories One day, an old man told...that,...said...continue to...after..... So...kept after day and year after year. Finally,... was so... that.... This story reminds us that....

25 Retell the story according to the pictures. Once upon a time , there was an old man.... So far, we have learned how to retell the story

26 Discuss the following the questions What can we learn from Yu Gong? What could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains ? Where there is a will, there is a way. For example, he could build a road.

27 Anything is possible if you work hard Where there is a will,there is a way. You never know what's possible unless you try to make it happen.

28 Summary I. Learn the new words shoot, stone, weak, god, remind II. How to tell the story: How to begin a story? begin with“ Once upon a time,....” How to end a story ? end with“ The story reminds us that....”

29 What can we learn from the story? We can learn that where there is a will, there is a way. ( 有志者事竟成) Hold on to our dream, it will come true some day in the future.

30 Write the story of “Yu Gong moves mountains” with your own words


32 Language Goals Tell a story begin with“Once upon a time ,......” end with "This story reminds us that......" retell the story according to the pictures

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