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Migration of intermediate offset data from two-boat-survey Zongcai Feng Nov 3, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration of intermediate offset data from two-boat-survey Zongcai Feng Nov 3, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration of intermediate offset data from two-boat-survey Zongcai Feng Nov 3, 2015

2 Outline  Motivation  Extended aperture by two shot boat survey  Interferometric interpolation  Predict intermediate offset using multiples  Theory  Filling the gap of intermediate offset data  Numerical test

3 Motivation Surface-related multiples are treated as noisy conventionally. RAW Data SRME Data Multiples can provide different illumination area from primary.

4 Motivation Surface-related multiples are treated as noisy conventionally. RAW Data SRME Data Multiples can provide different illumination area from primary Increase the illumination area (Xin Wang)

5 Original Two-source-boat Survey (The CLO technique) LL water Near-offset shot Far-offset shot Streamer length: L is 2 L ahead of

6 Original Two-source-boat Survey (The CLO technique) LL water Near-offset shot Far-offset shot Streamer length: L Is L ahead of The CLO technique. In CLO acquisition, an extra source array system is deployed on a smaller vessel, sailing one spread-length ahead of the main seismic vessel. (Piet Van Mastrigt, 2002) Advantages of CLO are: increased efficiency that results from doubling the streamer count (typically 8-km offsets with 4-km streamers) Offset: 0~L + L~2L

7 Extended Aperture with Two-source-boat Survey for Primary and Multiples (Schuster and Wang, 2012) L2L water Near-offset shot Far-offset shot Streamer length: L is 2 L ahead of

8 Extended Aperture with Two-source-boat Survey for Primary and Multiples (Schuster and Wang, 2012) L2L water Near-offset shot Far-offset shot Streamer length: L is 2 L ahead of

9 Extended Aperture with Two-source-boat Survey for Primary and Multiples (Schuster and Wang, 2012) L2L Near-offset shot Far-offset shot Streamer length: L is 2 L ahead of Rec # Near offset shot Sor # Rec # Far offset shot Sor # Rec # Intermediate offset are missing Sor # water Offset: 0~L Offset: 2L~3L Offset: L~2L?

10 2L~3L All offset data (wave equation) 0~L L~2L Far Offset Near OffsetInter Offset part Primary Multiple Far offset multiple Inter offset primary predict

11 Outline  Motivation  Extended aperture by two shot boat survey  Interferometric interpolation  Predict intermediate offset using multiples  Theory  Filling the gap of intermediate offset data  Numerical test

12 Interferometric interpolation s g water layer x

13 Predict intermediate offset using multiples (Hanafy and Schuster, 2013) water layer L2L sxg Data based Model based Assume know: water velocity, location and reflectivity of water bottom

14 Reiceiver side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L s xg

15 Reiceiver side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L s xg

16 Source side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L sxg

17 Source side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L sxg

18 Stationary Phase Analysis water layer sxg g s'

19 Stationary Phase Analysis water layer s x g’ g x' g’ s' s’g & s’g’ straight

20 Stationary Phase Analysis water layer s x g x' g’ s' s’g & s’g’ straight

21 Intermediate offset aperture analysis L2L sxg Near Offset: 0~L Intermediate Offset: L~2L ? Offset =5L Far Offset: 2L~3L

22 Intermediate offset aperture analysis L2L sxg Near Offset: 0~L Intermediate Offset: L~2L ? Offset =1.5L Far Offset: 2L~3L For flat ocean bottom, predict Intermediate Offset: L ~ 1.5L For deeper structure, predict Intermediate Offset > L ~ 1.5L e.g: = 1.1L ~ 1.5L or 1.8L~2.2L (1.8L~2.0L )

23 Outline  Motivation  Extended aperture by two shot boat survey  Interferometric interpolation  Predict intermediate offset using multiples  Theory  Filling the gap of intermediate offset data  Numerical test

24 Numerical Test water layer L2L sxg

25 2L~3L All offset data (wave equation) 0~L L~2L Far Offset Near OffsetInter Offset part Primary Multiple Far offset multiple Inter offset primary predict

26 Far offset data (2L~3L) Primary + Multiple Assume deeper water, primary can be easily mute

27 Predict Primary Part inter offset data (1.5L~2L) Born modeling for water bottom reflection True Primary For deeper structure, predict Intermediate Offset > L ~ 1.5L Non stationary

28 water layer L2L sx g Numerical Test

29 2L~3L 0~L L~2L Far Offset Near OffsetInter Offset part Far offset multiple Inter offset primary predict All offset data (wave equation) Primary Multiple

30 Primary + Multiple Far offset data (2L~3L) Assume deeper water, primary can be easily mute

31 Inter offset data (L~2L) Born modeling, Cross correlation, Deconvolution True inter offset data L~2L Pre inter offset data

32 True inter offset data Inter offset data filter (L~2L) Cross correlation, Slank stack, Filter (angle) P M Pre inter offset data

33 Source side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L sxg

34 Intermediate offset data filter Local Slank Stack Filter (angle)


36 g T Slank Stack Use Local Slank Stack to Calculate Filter F(g)

37 g T

38 g T when (g,t) is stationary Use Local Slank Stack to Calculate Filter F(g)

39 Intermediate offset data By Local Slank Stack Filter

40 Zoom in Intermediate offset data By Local Slank Stack Filter

41 Inter offset data zoom in True data Predict data after filtering

42 Use Local Slank Stack to Calculate Filter F(g) g T Slank Stack Extent slank stack:

43 g T Use Local Slank Stack to Calculate Filter F(g)

44 Inter offset data aftering filtering Cross correlation, Local slank stack, Filter (angle) Zoom in new old

45 Local Slank Stack Compare Zoom

46 Primar + Multiple Predict intermediate offset data using predicted multiple Multiple x F(t) predict

47 Predict offset data (L~2L)

48 Source side intermediate offset primary water layer L2L sxg Intermediate offset multiple

49 Next step  More complex model + RT to separate multiples  Compare intermediate offset image with near and far offset  Migration  Add noise

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