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GOD’S HEROES Esther 1-2 483-473 BCE Esther Mordecai.

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Presentation on theme: "GOD’S HEROES Esther 1-2 483-473 BCE Esther Mordecai."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOD’S HEROES Esther 1-2 483-473 BCE Esther Mordecai

2 TIMELINE Nebuchadnezzar II & Babylonian captivity (Daniel) Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon Cyrus allows Jews to return to Jerusalem (Ezra & Temple) Greek/Persian wars begin Mordecai, Esther & 13 million Jews lived in the Diaspora More Jews return (Nehemiah) 600-586 539 538 490 483-473 445

3 TIMELINE Nebuchadnezzar II & Babylonian captivity (Daniel) Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon Cyrus allows Jews to return to Jerusalem (Ezra & Temple) Greek/Persian wars begin Mordecai, Esther & 13 million Jews lived in the Diaspora More Jews return (Nehemiah) 600-586 539 538 490 483-473 445 Persian Kings: Cyrus the Great Darius I Xerxes Artaxerxes Ahaserus Khshayarshan

4 HIS TIME, HIS PLACE, HIS PERSON  The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water He turns it wherever He wishes  Proverbs 21:1  And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28

5 DEFINITELY NOT KOSHER  Create in me a clean heart, oh God  And renew a right spirit within me  Cast me not away from thy presence oh Lord  And take not thy Holy Spirit from me  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation  And renew a right spirit within me For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

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