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Thesaurus Everything you need to know about using it.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesaurus Everything you need to know about using it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesaurus Everything you need to know about using it.

2 What is It? A book of words. Aa-Bb-Cc order. Dictionaries give meanings, spellings, pronunciations and word origins. Thesaurus give synonyms and antonyms.

3 Example Take the word “Happy” The definition of “happy” is “having a feeling of or showing pleasure and joy” What other words could we use?

4 Happy Joyful Glad Cheerful Elated Merry Jolly Pleased Exhilarated

5 Sad Unhappy Depressed Gloomy Downcast Melancholy Sorrowful

6 Synonyms Using “Happy” and “Sad” as examples the other words are “synonyms”. Words that have similar meanings. Synonyms can have similar meanings but show different emotions.

7 Antonyms These are words that have opposite meanings. “Happy” is the opposite of “Sad” “Coward” is the opposite of “Brave”

8 Why is that Important? To use a thesaurus properly, you need to understand what synonyms and antonyms are. The basic purpose of a Thesaurus is to give synonyms and antonyms of an entry word.

9 Why Should I Use It? Improve the way you express ideas or thoughts Improve the way you express feelings –Emotional –Physical Make your writing more interesting and exciting Increase your vocabulary

10 Where are they? Non-Fiction Reference 400’s – Language 423.1 - Thesaurus

11 Parts of a Thesaurus Entry Word (Guide Word) Part of Speech Synonym Definition Sentence Example Antonym / Cross References Index

12 Entry Word

13 Part of Speech

14 Synonyms

15 Definitions

16 Sentence Examples

17 ANTONYMS Cross References


19 Additional Information Word Pool Index of Idioms Index of Phrases Quotes

20 To Conclude / Close or End Verb To “Close” –Terminate –Finish –Complete –Achieve We have reached the “conclusion” of our lesson. The presentation will “terminate” soon. Our first lesson is “finished”. We have “completed” the first lesson. You have “achieved” a better understanding of thesauruses.

21 Q & A

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