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Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Wednesday (11/18/15) – Workplace Wednesday Friday (11/20/15) – Spirit Wear Day Inside/Outside.

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Presentation on theme: "Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Wednesday (11/18/15) – Workplace Wednesday Friday (11/20/15) – Spirit Wear Day Inside/Outside."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Wednesday (11/18/15) – Workplace Wednesday Friday (11/20/15) – Spirit Wear Day Inside/Outside Day Mon. 11/23 – Fri. 11/27 – Thanksgiving Break HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 11/18/15 SIT IN YOUR PEACH GROUPS.  Vocabulary  Select a vocabulary term and answer all parts:  Definition  Means the same or opposite give synonyms (same) and antonyms (different)  Example from the text (“E.R.” –p.378)  Draw a picture  Write a sentence  Part of speech  Your homework packet is due FRIDAY.  Test Corrections are due by FRIDAY.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 11/18/15  Essential Question: How do individuals survive in challenging environments?  Standard: ELAGSE6RL3 – Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes, as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 11/18/15 Create a Hope Chest for “Esperanza Rising”  A hope chest is a chest where a girl stores nice items in preparation for her future wedding.  Create a list of at Least five items you believe Esperanza would keep in a hope chest and explain why she would want each item.

5 Language Arts – Work Session 11/18/15 Table Talks for “Esperanza Rising”  Using complete sentences, respond to the prompt on your desk.  Each person must use a different color marker.

6 Language Arts – Closing Session 11/18/15  Vocabulary  Select another vocabulary term and answer all parts:  Definition  Means the same or opposite give synonyms (same) and antonyms (different)  Example from the text (“E.R.” –p.378)  Draw a picture  Write a sentence  Part of speech  Your homework packet is due FRIDAY.  Test Corrections are due by FRIDAY.

7 E.L.T. 11/18/15  Opening Session Answer any missing questions in your packet for Chapters 3-7. Be sure to complete the Character Trackers for each chapter, too !  Work Session Read “The Hunger Games” Chapters 9 and 10. Closing Session Complete the District Tracker on the back of your vocabulary sheet using pages 66-67.

8 E.L.T. 11/17/15  YesNO!

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