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Regents Review Rotella/Mason. Unit 8 Section 4: Science and Technology Classwork: Unit 8 Section 4 All Key Themes and Concepts Key Terms: GREEN REVOLUTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Review Rotella/Mason. Unit 8 Section 4: Science and Technology Classwork: Unit 8 Section 4 All Key Themes and Concepts Key Terms: GREEN REVOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Review Rotella/Mason

2 Unit 8 Section 4: Science and Technology Classwork: Unit 8 Section 4 All Key Themes and Concepts Key Terms: GREEN REVOLUTION Homework: Quiz Tomorrow! [Unit 8 Sections 4 and 5] Answer the following question: Based on the review packet [last page], what are some of the major environmental problems The Industrial Revolution has created?

3 Unit 8 Section 5: The Environment QUIZ LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS! Classwork: Key Themes and Concepts: – Environment and Society – Interdependence Homework: Based on your review packet, why did early civilizations develop along river valleys? What were the 4 earliest river valley civilizations?

4 Unit 1 Section 1: Early Peoples and River Civilizations Review of Yesterdays Quiz. Classwork: Unit 1 Section 1 Key Themes [Environment, Urbanization, Culture and Intellectual Life, Movement of People and Goods] Homework: Quiz Tomorrow! [Unit 1 Section 1] First 10 minutes. What were some of the major contributions of Ancient Greece and Rome?

5 Unit 1 Sections 2 & 3 Classical Civilizations QUIZ FIRST 10 MINUTES [UNIT 1 SEC. 1] Classwork: Unit 1 Section 2 Key Themes and Concepts [Geography, Government and Culture] Homework: What were some of the major contributions of The Classical Chinese and Indian civilizations Quiz tomorrow Unit 1 Section 2 &3

6 Unit 1 Sections 2&3 Classical Civilizations Quiz last 10 minutes of class. Classwork: Unit 1 Section 2 Key Themes and Concepts [Movement of People and Goods] Unit 1 Section 3 Key Themes and Concepts [Political Systems, Change] Quiz Monday Unit 1 Section 4 [Belief Systems]

7 Unit 1 Section 4 Belief Systems Review of Fridays Quiz QUIZ LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS! Classwork: Unit 1 Section 4 Key Themes and Concepts [Belief Systems (Be sure to discuss all the ideas of each belief system), Movement of People and Goods. Homework: What were some achievements of the Byzantine Empire? How did the Mongols influence World History?

8 Unit 2 Section 3: The Byzantine Empire Unit 3 Section 2: The Mongols Review of yesterday’s quiz. Classwork: Unit 2 Section 3: Key Themes and Concepts [Government, Culture and Movement] Unit 3 Section 2: Key Themes and Concepts [Culture] Homework: QUIZ TOMORROW! What were some of the achievements of the “Golden Age of Islam”? Why were The Crusades considered a “successful failure”?

9 Unit 2 Sections 4&6: Islamic Civilizations and The Crusades Quiz last 10 minutes of class! Classwork: Unit 2 Section 4: Key Themes and Concepts [Diversity, Economic Systems, Culture and Intellectual Life] Unit 2 Section 6: Key Themes and Concepts [Change, and Power] Homework: What is feudalism and where was it practiced?

10 Unit 2 Section 5: Medieval Europe, Unit 3 Section 1: Japanese Feudalism Quiz first 10 minutes of class tomorrow! Classwork: Unit 2 Section 5: Key Themes and Concepts [Political, Economic and Belief Systems Unit 3 Section 1: Key Themes and Concepts [Movement, Political and Economic Systems] Homework: Why did the three Kingdoms of West Africa flourish?

11 Unit 3 Section 3&5, Unit 4 Section 3 Global Trade, African Kingdoms, Ottoman Empire Classwork: Unit 3 Section 3: Key Themes and Concepts [Interdependence and Change] Unit 3 Section 5: Key Themes and Concepts [Power and Movement of People and Goods] Unit 4 Section 3: Key Themes and Concepts [Culture and Change] Homework: Quiz last ten minutes of class tomorrow What was the Renaissance? How did Martin Luther change Christianity?

12 Unit 3 Section 4: The Renaissance and Reformation Quiz last ten minutes of class! Classwork: Unit 3 Section 4: – Key Themes and Concepts [Economics, and Change] – Key People and Terms [Guild, Renaissance, humanism, Martin Luther, Protestant Reformation, Magna Carta] Homework: What were the contributions of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca?

13 Unit 4 Section 1: Mesoamerican Civilization [Pre-Columbian America] Review Yesterdays Quiz Classwork: Unit 4 Section 1: Key Themes and Concepts [Economic Systems, Government, and Culture] Homework: Quiz last 10 minutes of class tomorrow! What was the Columbian Exchange?

14 Unit 4 Section 4: Explorations, Encounters and Imperialism Quiz last 10 minutes of class! Classwork: Unit 4 Section 4: – Key Themes and Concepts [Science and Technology, Interdependence] – Key People and Terms [encomienda, Columbian Exchange, Mercantilism] Homework: What is “absolutism”? How did absolute monarchs justify their power?

15 Unit 4 Section 5 and Unit 5 Section 1: Age of Absolutism, Scientific Rev. and Enlightenment Review yesterdays quiz! Classwork: Unit 4 Section 5: Key Themes and Concepts [Government and Choice] Unit 5 Section 1: Key Themes and Concepts [Science and Technology, Government and Change]

16 Unit 5 Section 2: Political Revolutions QUIZ LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS! Classwork: Unit 5 Section 2: – Key Themes and Concepts [Culture and Intellectual Life, Change] – Key People and Terms: Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Coup d’etat, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar. Homework: Why did nationalism grow stronger after the French Revolution? How did the Congress of Vienna try to stop nationalism?

17 Unit 5 Section 3 & 4: Nationalism and Reaction to Nationalism Classwork: Unit 5 Section 3: – Key Themes and Concepts [Power, Change]. – Key People and Terms [Prince Clemens von Metternich] Unit 5 Section 4: – Key Themes and Concepts [Nation-State, Change, Diversity] Homework: QUIZ LAST TEN MINUTES OF CLASS TOMRORROW. How did life change during The Industrial Revolution?

18 Unit 5 Section 5 & 6: The Industrial Revolution and Meiji Restoration QUIZ LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS! Classwork: Unit 5 Section 5: – Key Themes and Concepts [Change, Economic Systems, and Political Systems. – Key People and Terms: Adam Smith, Karl Marx Unit 5 Section 6: – Key Themes and Concepts [Power]

19 Unit 5 Section 7 Imperialism FINAL EXAM WED., JUNE, 10 TH. REGENTS EXAM WED., JUNE, 17 TH. Classwork: Unit 5 Section 7: – Key Themes and Concepts [Imperialism, Power, Nationalism] – Key People and Terms [“White Man’s Burden, Sepoy Mutiny, Boxer Rebellion, Sun Yixian] Homework: Unit 5 Questions for Regents Practice [Answer on a separate sheet of paper, will be graded as Quiz 11]

20 Unit 6 Section 2 & 3: World War I and Russian Revolution FINAL EXAM WED., JUNE 10 TH. REGENTS EXAM WED., JUNE 17 TH. Classwork: Unit 6 Section 2 – Key Themes and Concepts [Nationalism and Imperialism, Diversity] – Key People and Terms [Central Powers, Allied Powers, armistice, reparations] Unit 6 Section 3 – Key Themes and Concepts [Change, Economic System] – Key People and Terms [New Economic Policy, Great Purge, five-year plans] Homework: Quiz first ten minutes of class Monday!

21 Unit 6 Section 4 & 5: Between the Wars, World War II Quiz first ten minutes of class! Classwork: Unit 6 Section 4: – Key Themes and Concepts [Economic Systems, Political Systems] – Key People and Terms [Treaty of Versailles, Kemal Ataturk, Reza Khan] Unit 6 Section 5: – Key Themes and Concepts [Power, Change]

22 Unit 7 Section 1, 3, 4, 5 &6 FINAL EXAM TOMORROW! Classwork: Unit 7 Section 1: Key Themes [Political Systems, Justice and Human Rights] Unit 7 Section 3: Key Themes [Change, Economic Systems] Unit 7 Section 4: Key Themes [Imperialism] Unit 7 Section 5: Key Themes [Belief Systems] Unit 7 Section 6: Key People [Mikhail Gorbachev, perestroika, glasnost]

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