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The Debt Collectors Amendment Bill 2016 The “lobbied” sections Adv Andries Cornelius - CEO - Council for Debt Collectors.

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Presentation on theme: "The Debt Collectors Amendment Bill 2016 The “lobbied” sections Adv Andries Cornelius - CEO - Council for Debt Collectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Debt Collectors Amendment Bill 2016 The “lobbied” sections Adv Andries Cornelius - CEO - Council for Debt Collectors

2 The Debt Collectors Amendment Bill 2016 Highlights  1Debt Collector Interns  2Electronic submission of register  3Admission of guilt fines  4Inspectors  5Taxation  6Trust accounts  7Exemptions

3 The Debt Collectors Amendment Bill 2016 Points to Ponder: 1Factoring agreements 2Partnerships 3Admission of Guilt fines for attorneys 4Fees 5Sec 15(g) of the DCA - In duplum 6Sec 126B of the NCA Adv Andries Cornelius - CEO - Council for Debt Collectors

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