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Lincoln Anti-Poverty Strategy and Action Plan James Wilkinson Programme Lead City of Lincoln Council Lincoln Against Poverty

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1 Lincoln Anti-Poverty Strategy and Action Plan James Wilkinson Programme Lead City of Lincoln Council Lincoln Against Poverty #LAPC2015 @lincolnVpoverty

2 The Journey So Far Lincoln Against Poverty Analysis of socioeconomic data Review of academic and professional journals Year-long review with partners on issues relating to poverty Lincoln Against Poverty Conference 2014 One year of delivering the Lincoln Anti-Poverty Action Plan

3 Lincoln Against Poverty The Anti-Poverty Strategy Lincoln Against Poverty

4 Key Actions from the Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty

5 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: ‘Say no to high cost borrowing’ campaign Programme: Limiting the impact of expensive credit Objective: Helping people maximise their income October 2014November 2014December 2014January 2015

6 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Action: ‘Say no to high cost borrowing’ campaign Programme: Limiting the impact of expensive credit Objective: Helping people maximise their income Thanks to the support of 32 partners, this campaign delivered: 1,000 posters 5,000 leaflets 125,000 social media impressions 18 local and regional news articles 7 magazine articles 6 radio interviews 100 bus adverts 2,380 printed Advice Cards with January payslips 12,000 electronic Advice Cards with January payslips 1,600 printed Advice Cards to service users Lincoln Against Poverty

7 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Relocation of Lincolnshire Credit Union to City Hall Programme: Supporting partners to make a difference Objective: Continuing to work in a joined up way Since being in City Hall: 121 new members 78 small loans issued £120,869 equivalent savings if compared to a doorstep lender

8 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Diverting waste from landfill to furniture charities Programme: Supporting partners to make a difference Objective: Continuing to work in a joined up way Two month pilot December 2014 – January 2015

9 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: West End furniture collection scheme Programme: More help when the household budget runs out Objective: Helping people maximise their income 127 bags of clothing and kitchen items donated 13 items of furniture donated

10 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Promote the ‘Lincs2Advice’ helpline on lampposts Programme: Increasing money management skills and confidence Objective: Helping people maximise their income North Lincoln Swift Gardens Addison Drive Central Lincoln Monks Road Canon Street Portland Street Scorer Street South Lincoln Moorland Avenue Larchwood Crescent Lincs2Advice: 0300 303 8789

11 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Increase access to food during school holidays Programme: Supporting families to feed and clothe their children Objective: Helping people with the cost of raising a child MASH Meals scheme Run by Lincoln Baptist Church

12 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Action: Pilot Year 7 Savings Scheme Programme: Supporting children to get involved in school life Objective: Helping people with the cost of raising a child A partnership between: Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School Lincolnshire Credit Union Barclay’s Money Skills programme City of Lincoln Council Encouraging pupils to: Save regularly Think about money Lincoln Against Poverty

13 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Creation of a Lincoln Food Bank Forum Programme: Keeping agencies in touch Objective: Continuing to work in a joined up way Lincoln Community Larder Lincoln Foodbank St. Luke’s Larder Tinnies

14 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Carers awareness sessions for council staff Programme: Helping those facing poverty due to illness Objective: Breaking the link between poor health and poverty Looking after our customers: Carers and Young Carers Partnership Dementia Friends (Alzheimer’s Society) Lloyds Money for Life Looking after our staff: Christians Against Poverty

15 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Welfare support after a death in a joint tenancy Programme: Advice designed around the individual Objective: Making sure older people get the services they need Providing welfare advice at difficult life events

16 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Children’s University Accreditation at Lincoln Guildhall Programme: Supporting children to get involved with school life Objective: Helping people with the cost of raising a child

17 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: HMP Lincoln Debt Packs Programme: Increasing money management skills and confidence Objective: Helping people maximise their income Debt packs Debt awareness leaflets in the FIRST Centre

18 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Signpost to debt and money advice in Your Lincoln Programme: Increasing money management skills and confidence Objective: Helping people maximise their income Your Lincoln magazine circulation to 40,000 households in Lincoln Home! magazine circulation to 8,000 households in social housing in Lincoln

19 The Anti-Poverty Action Plan Lincoln Against Poverty Action: Develop and launch an anti-poverty website for partners Programme: Keeping agencies in touch Objective: Continuing to work in a joined up way 850 sessions and 2.5k page views since launching in October 2014 #LAPC2015 @lincolnVpoverty

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