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Estuarine Circulation and the Knudsen Relation Puget Sound Oceanography 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Estuarine Circulation and the Knudsen Relation Puget Sound Oceanography 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estuarine Circulation and the Knudsen Relation Puget Sound Oceanography 2011

2 Salinity Sections over a wide range of scales

3 Schematic of Tidally-Averaged salinity and velocity structure

4 A simple “story” for why the exchange flow exists The along- channel salinity (and hence density) gradient is a key factor

5 Thinking more about the physics of the exchange flow The along- channel pressure gradient forces the flow Remember, these are all for tidally- averaged fields

6 Turbulent mixing makes smooth curves out of the 2-layer exchange flow The turbulence is driven by the tidal currents, especially as they rub on the bottom boundary

7 Tidally-averaged velocities Inflow happens during Neap tides because there is less turbulent mixing (which slows down the flow) Admiralty Inlet

8 The Knudsen Relation For many estuaries (like Puget Sound) ds<<S 1 and ds<<S 2 (like 1<<30) Hence Q 1 and Q 2 are VASTLY AMPLIFIED over Q R !!!!!! These relationships are only “diagnostic” – no info about physics If you know the average stratification then you can estimate the exchange flow QRQR Q 1, S 1 = S 2 - dS Q 2, S 2 Volume conservation: Q 1 = Q 2 + Q R Salt conservation: 0 = S 2 Q 2 – S 1 Q 1 Combining these two it is easy to show that: Q 2 = (S 1 /ds)Q R and Q 1 = (S 2 /ds)Q R

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