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Case Study 2 D4R PV System TRAMA TECNOAMBIENTAL, S.L. Ignasi León, TTA ZeroWIN Vision Conference Thursday 8th July 2010, Southampton, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study 2 D4R PV System TRAMA TECNOAMBIENTAL, S.L. Ignasi León, TTA ZeroWIN Vision Conference Thursday 8th July 2010, Southampton, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study 2 D4R PV System TRAMA TECNOAMBIENTAL, S.L. Ignasi León, TTA ZeroWIN Vision Conference Thursday 8th July 2010, Southampton, UK

2 1. PV System Hitech – Construction Energy-production facility –Cost of energy (CoE) –Reliability –Safety –Availability of energy –Power Quality End product: Energy

3 2. The task Concept design (WP6A) + Prototype or demonstration (WP6B) for: PV system Component focus: power conditioning equipment In applications: With energy storage (i.e. “stand-alone”) Without energy storage (i.e. “grid-connected”) = 2 concepts + 2 prototypes + 2 demonstration systems

4 3. Scope Strict interpretation of project scope

5 4. Goals End goals: -30% reduction of GHG emission -70% minimum reuse of waste -75% reduction in fresh water use How? -Component life extension -D4R criteria in system / component -Symbioses with other industries -Performance Ratio optimisation in system /component * Performance Ratio Usable Performa nce Ratio (PR) Losses Performance Ratio Usable Performa nce Ratio (PR) Losses Performance Ratio (*decreasing energy intensity of production process)

6 4. Baselines Some considerations for establishing baselines Impact evaluation results are linked to: -Developed / undeveloped area -User training & load profile (production conditions) -Solar resource & ambient conditions - Scenarios with different baselines (and process) - Benchmarking against baseline must deal with project-specifics.

7 5. PV System Scenarios Parallel work lines with specific: -Baseline -Process model -End result assessment Developed area + without energy storage Developing area + with energy storage Developed area + with energy storage

8 6. How to achieve the goals (1) Technology type Stakeholder dialogue for - D4R - Industrial networks System optimisation (PR)

9 6. How to achieve the goals (2) Materials D4R Industrial networks

10 6. How to achieve the goals (3) EOL return Design - D4R - Industrial networks - Life extension - Component optimisation System optimisation (PR)

11 6. How to achieve the goals (4) EOL return Design - D4R - Industrial networks - Life extension (system design) System optimisation (PR)

12 6. How to achieve the goals (5) Technology type Stakeholder dialogue for - D4R - Industrial networks

13 7. Are we in control to achieve the goals? In Red: only possible if operation in scope GHGReuse of waste Fresh WaterIndustrial networks PV System -Structure -PV Type -System Optimisation -Repairability -Life extension -Structure -Battery? -PV? - BoS? -Repairability -Structure -Battery? -Life extension -Structure -Battery? - PV? Power Conditioning -Initial negative impact! -System Optimisation -Repairability -Life extension - Design -Life extension -? -Life extension - Design

14 8. Work plan - Tasks

15 Questions Comments … Thank you for your attention TRAMA TECNOAMBIENTAL, S.L. Avda Meridiana, 153 baixos 08026 Barcelona Tel: + 34 934 463 234 Fax: + 34 934 566 948 Ignasi León, TTA

16 Backup 1 – PV System LCA In the following figure the contribution of the main life cycle phases for selected PV systems are shown.  The construction phase is absolutely the main contributor to the impacts (mainly due to the energy requirements of the upstream processes related to the production of silicon and PV wafer).  Minor contribution comes from Dismantling  Operation and fuel have no effect,as expected Source: Project NEEDS (New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability Year:2006 NEEDS Project

17 Backup 3 – PV System Process w/ batteries in developing area

18 Backup 4 – PV System Process wo/ batteries in developed area

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