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Berlin Webquest Content introduction task process resources evaluation Conclusion teacher´s page.

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2 Berlin Webquest

3 Content introduction task process resources evaluation Conclusion teacher´s page

4 Introduction Your class will has been invited to visit your partner school in Berlin during the midterm break. Wir gratulieren!

5 Task As a class you must send your partner school tips on the itinerary for the week. You will also learn and practise some useful German phrases for everyday situations in Berlin. You will find some amazing facts about Berlin for the trip.

6 Your class will be divided into groups of three. Each team member will take turns working as a navigator, recorder and timekeeper. Each group will complete the task sheet about Berlin. Each group will discover amazing facts about Berlin and what to expect from their trip. Process

7 Each group will present their findings to the class using both German and English. We will then compare and contrast your facts and decide on the itinerary for the trip. You will have 40 minutes to complete the factsheet

8 Resources Click on the icon to find the websites you require to complete the fact sheet. General Info Sightseeing Tour guide FoodHistoryBuying souveni rs Maps and video Factsheet

9 ind/Germany - General information about Germany ind/Germany - General information about Berlin General Information

10 Sightseeing berlin/ - Find out about the famous Berlin sights berlin/ spass/d_sp_post_funcards.php - Write a postcard spass/d_sp_post_funcards.php

11 Food nt-Menue.htm - Choose the menu for your class nt-Menue.htm

12 History of the Berlin Wall p?sprache=en&menuItm=zeitgeschichte&su bMenuItm=mauer&artikel=geschichte p?sprache=en&menuItm=zeitgeschichte&su bMenuItm=mauer&artikel=geschichte

13 Buying souvenirs presents/slideshow/ presents/slideshow/ erleben/d_be_shopping_maerkte.php erleben/d_be_shopping_maerkte.php

14 Maps & Video germany/berlin/ germany/berlin/

15 Evaluation What you will need to do is present the answers that you have found to the rest of the class and tell them why visiting your country is the right choice The next slide will tell you how the task is going to be evaluated

16 Evaluation 5 points4 points3 points2 points Fact SheetAll questions on the Fact Sheet were answered thoroughly, correctly and neatly. Two questions not answered, but other questions are correct, neat and thorough. Questions were attempted but answered two or less. Work was neat. Questions were answered neither thoroughly nor neatly. Organisation of Presentation Presentation to the class is organised and presented in a logical, interesting way. Presentation to the class is good. Information Is presented logically. Presentation to the class is attempted but is disorganised. Information is hard to follow. Presentation to the class is attempted, but is very disorganised. There is no sequence of information. Content Knowledge of Presenters Full knowledge of content with explanations and elaboration. At ease with content, though there is no elaboration. Basic knowledge of content and is uncomfortable with questions. Very poor knowledge of content. Ability to work in a group Worked very well with others and contributed a lot to the overall group effort and presentation. Worked well with others and contributed to the overall group effort and presentation. Was able to work with a group, but caused the whole group to be affected by her lack of work. Was unable to work with others. Caused the whole group to be affected by her lack of work.

17 Wir gratulieren! You have completed this web-quest We hope you have enjoyed it and will continue to investigate other cities in German speaking countries Conclusion

18 This webquest is enquiry based will inspire your pupils to ask questions and research topics while giving them access to lots of interesting and valuable information Teacher´s page

19 The aim of this webquest is that the children will learn about Berlin by using the internet, completing fact sheets and making presentations while acquiring new vocabulary at the same time Teacher´s page

20 Title: Class: 5 th /6 th Duration: 4 to 5 sessions Learning Objectives: That the child will be enabled to:  Use internet sources to research information  Complete a fact sheet based on their chosen topic in German and English  Discuss their findings with their classmates  Compare and contrast differences and similarities between findings  Devise a presentation based on their research Overview

21 Explain clearly how to navigate a webpage. Ensure that all links are working correctly. Print out fact sheets in advance. Familiarise the children with the evaluation rubric before they embark on their task. Facilitate a class/group discussion after each step to check understanding and to assist in organising the children’s thoughts. Check that each member contributes to group presentation. Teacher´s page

22 Students will be evaluated on an individual and a group basis using the evaluation rubric. Ensure that the children understand how points are awarded with the evaluation rubric and how using the rubric in their planning will enable them to achieve higher scores. Link to rubric Evaluation

23 Kenia Puig I Planella, Spanish speaking countries webquest -8-For.htm -8-For.htm Kate Lonergan and Ann Marie O’Donnell, Allons en Vacances webquest Credits/References

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