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Family medicine in basic medical education: What ’ s new in Europe? Dr. Yonah Yaphe EURACT Council member for Israel Dept. of Family Medicine Rabin Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Family medicine in basic medical education: What ’ s new in Europe? Dr. Yonah Yaphe EURACT Council member for Israel Dept. of Family Medicine Rabin Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family medicine in basic medical education: What ’ s new in Europe? Dr. Yonah Yaphe EURACT Council member for Israel Dept. of Family Medicine Rabin Medical Centre and Sackler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University

2 Objectives The objectives of this presentation are: to present an overview of the contribution of family medicine to basic medical education in Europe to present the work of the EURACT basic medical education task group.

3 What do medical students value? Snadden and Yaphe (Medical Teacher, 1996) Doing rather than observing A friendly learning environment A mix of learning styles Learning practical skills Timely feedback Seeing patients as people Seeing patients in their natural context Enthusiastic teachers

4 What can we add to BME? Things we do (and teach) best! Management of common problems Undefined problems, uncertainty Communication skills Personal, family and community perspective Whole person medicine Practice management

5 Innovation in education Early Clinical Exposure (Jerusalem) Clinical skills lab (Maastricht) Simulated patients (Leicester) OSCE (Dundee, Oxford) Summative assessment (Bergen) Teacher training (Ljubljana, see Medical Education, 1999)

6 The development of BME (Svab) The 70s – The rise of technical medicine, the Leewuenhorst group, first departments of general practice The 80s – dissatisfaction, NLG, rapid growth The 90s – Social change, EURACT, harmonization

7 BME in Europe – The numbers GP in BME in all EURACT countries 297 faculties, GP/FM in 191(64%) 4 newcomers (TK ES GR IT) GP/FM in all faculties in 18 countries

8 Projects of the BME task force Workshop on BME – Israel Symposium on BME – Dublin Workshop on teacher training – Ljubljana Booklet on teaching practices Fixed and Rolling Courses

9 The way forward Harmonization The definition The educational agenda Implementation Legislation


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