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Implementation and support to the Caribbean SIDS Sustainable Development Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation and support to the Caribbean SIDS Sustainable Development Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation and support to the Caribbean SIDS Sustainable Development Agenda

2 The RCM: Background  The need for a Regional Coordinating Mechanism noted at the sixth session of the CSD  Caribbean Region strongly advocated for RCM mechanism  Subsequently the TAC established in 2006; three previous meetings  Monitoring efforts to date – development of the Regional Implementation Matrix  Lack of funding a key deficiency

3 Organisational Structure of the RCM INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCIL (CDCC) Provides oversight of the work programme of the Secretariat TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Comprises 15 members NATIONAL FOCAL POINT MECHANISM This is the institution that forms the point of contact between the IGC and the TAC REGIONAL COORDINATING MECHANISM (RCM) SECRETARIAT

4 RCM Secretariat  The RCM Secretariat is the technical unit established at the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean. The RCM Secretariat is responsible for: identification of points of linkages within the work programmes of the various institutions operating in the Caribbean; identification of points of linkages within the work programmes of the various institutions operating in the Caribbean; facilitating capacity-building; facilitating capacity-building; briefing member countries on issues relating to the SIDS POA/Mauritius Strategy for Implementation (MSI); briefing member countries on issues relating to the SIDS POA/Mauritius Strategy for Implementation (MSI); reporting on the implementation of its work programme; and reporting on the implementation of its work programme; and convening meetings of the IGC and TAC. convening meetings of the IGC and TAC.  At the international level, the RCM Secretariat is mandated to develop and pursue cooperation with other SIDS regions and global institutions.

5 The Vision of the RCM beyond 2013..  Sensitisation of policymakers and technical experts as to progress made in achievement of the BPoA/MSI: maintenance of the RCM website where key documents and reports will be made available. documentation of best practices and lessons learnt;  Qualitative monitoring of progress made in implementation of the thematic area of the BPoA/MSI through annual updating of the Regional Implementation matrix;  Quantitative monitoring of progress made in implementation of each thematic area of the MSI through the development of indicators: baseline for measurement will be 1994 and historically, Measurements will be made for 2000 and 2010 Thereafter, it is expected that these indicators will be updated annually and additional indicators will be developed for each thematic area of the BPOA/MSI


7 What Is to Be Monitored BPoA/MSI Thematics  Climate Change and Sea Level Rise  Natural and Environmental Disasters  Management of Wastes  Coastal and Marine Resources  Fresh Water Resources  Land Resources  Energy Resources  Tourism Resources

8 What Is to Be Monitored BPoA/MSI Thematics –(cont’d)  Biodiversity Resources  Transportation and Communication  Science and Technology  Graduation from LDC Status  Trade  Capacity Development and Education for SD  Sustainable Production and Consumption  Enabling Environments

9 What Is to Be Monitored BPoA/MSI Thematics –(cont’d)  Health  Knowledge Management  Culture

10 Efforts To Date: The Regional Implementation Matrix  Challenges  Limitations

11 Enhancing the Monitoring Process  Institutional Mechanisms – National Focal Points  Choosing Appropriate Indicators

12 About Indicators  Measurable  Meaningful  Valid  Independent  Data Supported  Factor or Variable?  Can report on progress in multiple areas

13 Proposed Indicators 1. Climate Change: - CO 2 Emissions and Removals 2. Natural and Environmental Disasters I. Human Loss II. Incidence III. Economic Losses IV. Social Dislocation 3. Management of Wastes I. Waste generation by type II. Treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes 4. Coastal and Marine Resources I. Total Marine Protected Areas II. Change of marine protected area over time

14 Proposed Indicators (cont’d) 5. Freshwater Resources I. Share of pop’n accessing improved drinking water source II. Share of pop’n accessing improved sanitation 6. Land Resources I. Land Use II. Irrigated Area III. Area Harvested IV. Amt. of Protected Areas V. Total Forested Areas VI. Mineral Reserves 7. Energy Resources I. Annual Energy Consumption II. Share of Renewable Energy

15 Proposed Indicators (cont’d) 8. Tourism Resources I. Tourism Penetration Ratio II. Tourism Contribution to GDP III. Ratio of tourists to local residents 9. Biodiversity Resources I. Share of protected terrestrial and marine resources II. Proportion of species threatened with extinction III. Area of coral reef ecosystems 10. Transportation and Communication I. Modal Split of Passenger Transportation II. Modal Split of Freight Transportation III. Internet Users per 100,000 of pop’n IV. Mobile users per 100,000 of pop’n

16 Proposed Indicators (cont’d) 11. Science and Technology I. Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D 12. Graduation from LDC Status I. World Bank Classifications 13. Trade I. Trade Policy II. Customs Revenues III. Competitiveness IV. Institutional environment – Ease of Doing Business 14. Capacity Development and Education for SD I. Literacy rate

17 Proposed Indicators (cont’d) 15. Sustainable Production and Consumption I. Annual energy consumption II. Share of RE in total energy consumption III. Intensity of water use 16. Enabling Environment I. Level of mainstreaming of SD strategies in development policy II. Development of civil society organizations in SD 17. Health I. Share of pop’n with access to primary health care II. Prevalence of HIV and AIDS 18. Knowledge Management I. National policies and plans

18 Proposed Indicators (cont’d) 19. Culture I. Value added of cultural activities II. Employment in culture III. Household expenditure on cultural goods and services IV. Valorization of Cultural Heritage

19 MSI Monitoring – A Proposal  Web Based Facility  Allows Reporting From National Focal Points  Allows each country to observe each other’s progress  Allows for the incorporation of contributions to development from the multilateral community  Could be promoted as a best practice for other SIDS regions

20 Reporting Mechanism RCM/TAC Secretariat


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