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Chapter 5 Bones and Skeletal Tissue. The Skeletal System  Parts of the skeletal system  Bones (skeleton)  Joints  Cartilages  Ligaments  Divided.

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1 Chapter 5 Bones and Skeletal Tissue

2 The Skeletal System  Parts of the skeletal system  Bones (skeleton)  Joints  Cartilages  Ligaments  Divided into two divisions  Axial skeleton (80)  Appendicular skeleton (126)

3 Functions of Bones  Support of the body  Protection of soft organs  Movement due to attached skeletal muscles  Storage of minerals and fats  Blood cell formation

4 Bones of the Human Body  The skeleton has 206 bones  Two basic types of bone tissue  Compact bone  Homogeneous  Spongy bone  Small needle-like pieces of bone  Many open spaces

5 Classification of Bones  Long bones  Typically longer than wide  Have a shaft with heads at both ends  Contain mostly compact bone Examples: Femur, humerus

6 Classification of Bones  Short bones  Generally cube-shape  Contain mostly spongy bone  Examples: Carpals, tarsals

7 Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape

8 Classification of Bones  Flat bones  Thin and flattened  Usually curved  Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone  Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum

9 Classification of Bones  Irregular bones  Irregular shape  Do not fit into other bone classification categories  Example: Vertebrae and hip

10 Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape

11 Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone  Diaphysis  Shaft  Composed of compact bone Figure 5.2a

12 Structures of a Long Bone  Medullary cavity  Cavity of the shaft  Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults  Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants Figure 5.2a

13   Epiphysis Ends of the bone Composed mostly of spongy bone Epiphyseal line- line left over from cartilage growth Structures of a Long Bone

14  Periosteum  Outside covering of the diaphysis  Fibrous connective tissue membrane  Sharpey’s fibers  Secure periosteum to underlying bone  Arteries  Supply bone cells with nutrients Figure 5.2c

15 Structures of a Long Bone  Articular cartilage  Covers the external surface of the epiphyses  Made of hyaline cartilage  Decreases friction at joint surfaces Figure 5.2a

16 Flat bones  Two thin plates of compact bone covered by periosteum  Spongy bone in the middle= diploe (the only place of hematopoiesis in the adult)

17 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone  Osteon (Haversian System)  A unit of bone  Central (Haversian) canal  Opening in the center of an osteon  Carries blood vessels and nerves  Perforating (Volkman’s) canal  Canal perpendicular to the central canal  Carries blood vessels and nerves

18 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone Figure 5.3

19 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone  Lacunae  Cavities containing bone cells (osteocytes)  Arranged in concentric rings  Lamellae  Rings around the central canal  Sites of lacunae Figure 5.3

20 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone  Canaliculi  Tiny canals  Radiate from the central canal to lacunae  Form a transport system Figure 5.3

21 Bone Markings  Surface features of bones  Sites of attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments  Passages for nerves and blood vessels  Categories of bone markings  Projections and processes – grow out from the bone surface  Depressions or cavities – indentations  Study Chart on page 119 (little book), pg 172 (big book)

22 Changes in the Human Skeleton  In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage  During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone  Cartilage remains in isolated areas  Bridge of the nose  Parts of ribs  Joints

23 Bone Growth  Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone during childhood (longitudinal growth)  New cartilage is continuously formed  Older cartilage becomes ossified  Cartilage is broken down  Bone replaces cartilage

24 Bone Growth  Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops  Bones change shape somewhat  Bones grow in width (appositional growth; controlled by hormones)

25 Long Bone Formation and Growth


27  osteogenesis- the production of bone cells (may start as cartilage)  ossification- the process of cartilage hardening into bone

28 Types of Bone Cells  Osteocytes  Mature bone cells  Osteoblasts  Bone-forming cells  Osteoclasts  Bone-destroying cells  Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium  Bone remodeling is a process by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

29 Remodeling and Repair  Dynamic 1. changes constantly 2. homeostasis- constantly adjusting to keep the same make-up by adding and subtracting bone cells etc.  Remodeling 1. bone mass remains constant by the result of remodeling 2. bone deposit- at the site of an injury or where the bone needs more strength 3. bone re-absorption- free bone surface is dissolved; minerals (Ca2+) is released into blood (things reused)

30 Remodeling and Repair  Control 1. hormonal- controls Ca2+ levels in the body; if blood level drop too low then Ca2+ leaves bones (what type of feedback is this?)  leaves holes in the bone  Calcitonin is secreted when blood Ca2+ levels rise and encourages Ca2+ salt deposits in the matrix 2. Ca2+ is needed for muscles and nerves to function 3. mechanical stress- based on needs of the bones and skeletal system  where there is more stress  bones are thicker

31 Repair of Bone Fractures  1) Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed  Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus 2) fibrocartilaginous callus)  Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a 3) bony callus  Bony callus is 4) remodeled to form a permanent patch

32 Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture

33 Bone Fractures  A break in a bone  Types of bone fractures  Closed (simple) fracture – break that does not penetrate the skin  Open (compound) fracture – broken bone penetrates through the skin  Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization  Realignment of the bone

34 Common Types of Fractures Slide 5.17 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings Table 5.2

35 Imbalances Imbalances  osteoporosis- bone tissue is reabsorbed faster than it is replaced most often in middle age or older women; causes are: less estrogen, insufficient exercise, not enough Ca2+ or vitamin D, abnormal metabolism most often in middle age or older women; causes are: less estrogen, insufficient exercise, not enough Ca2+ or vitamin D, abnormal metabolism  osteomalacia- “soft bones” bones inadequately mineralize. Not enough Ca2+ or vitamin D in tissues, bones are brittle and weak  Paget’s disease- abnormal bone formation and high level of bone breakdown; Tissue can’t mineralize; bones become weak

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