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Transforming unproductive mindsets Coaching/Mentoring/Consulting for Management & Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming unproductive mindsets Coaching/Mentoring/Consulting for Management & Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming unproductive mindsets Coaching/Mentoring/Consulting for Management & Leadership

2 Strategic Business Model We transcend transactional and tactical engagement models. We engage collaboratively, reflectively & strategically.

3 Transforming mindsets in the system on individual, team and organisation levels. We engage in client relationships around behavioural competencies to develop productive organisations. Leading to healthy organisational climates and wellness. We anchor our relationships in values that benefit our blue planet and its reciprocating eco-systems. Vision, Mission and Ethos

4 Directors have education and /or experience in

5 We collaborate with those concerned by an issue, or who may possibly be impacted by change to envision a more productive future. Our actions include emphatic listening, provocative inquiring and reflective learning. We generate a tentative road map for change and design strategies for implementation around your guidelines and set in motion. Our actions include to monitor, measure, amplify or dampen change. We evaluate efficiencies and effectiveness and the impact on productive change and clarify the gaps. Our actions include disquisition of reflective learning to understand changes in organisation culture, climate and wellness and measure performance change. We feed the information back into the system.



8 Our intervention team includes our experts & U

9 Contact us  Contact me  Philip Labuschagne  021 949 5102


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