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BELL RINGER  1. How do you convert from a logarithm to an exponential?  2. What are the properties of logarithms that come from the laws of exponents?

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Presentation on theme: "BELL RINGER  1. How do you convert from a logarithm to an exponential?  2. What are the properties of logarithms that come from the laws of exponents?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL RINGER  1. How do you convert from a logarithm to an exponential?  2. What are the properties of logarithms that come from the laws of exponents?  3. If you have the same bases equal, you can _______.

2 LOGARITHMS Tuesday & Wednesday, April 5 & 6, 2016

3  Exponential GRAPHS  Logarithmic


5 NOTES  The inverse of an exponential function is a common logarithmic function.  Convert from exp. to log  b x = y  log b y = x  Convert from log to exp.  log b y = x  b x = y  Calculators only do log 10 aka “common log”, so log is really log base 10.  Change of Base  log b a = log a log b  log b 1 = 0  Can’t take  log 0 or log of a negative #  Can’t do  log base 0, or 1, or negative #


7 PROPERTIES OF LOGS-- NOTES 1)log b m + log b n= log b mn 2) log b m – log b n = log b m n 3) p log b m = log b m p

8 SOLVING LOG EQUATIONS 1.If possible, get log of the same bases equal and “drop the log.” 2.If not, then change to exponential form and solve.

9 PRACTICE  Classwork: Solving Exponential & Logarithmic Equations # 1-20  Homework: Solving Exponential & Logarithmic Equations #21-30

10 EXIT TICKET  1. Explain how to convert between exponential and logarithmic form.  2. When can you “drop the logs”?  3. What is the inverse of e?

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