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The Students Network for a Walkable Chennai: How and why should you be a part of the movement? A presentation by.

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Presentation on theme: "The Students Network for a Walkable Chennai: How and why should you be a part of the movement? A presentation by."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Students Network for a Walkable Chennai: How and why should you be a part of the movement? A presentation by

2 We @ Transparent Chennai Aggregate, process, and disseminate essential government data in an easy to understand format. Working with citizen’s groups to create and use data Four important neglected issues : Slums and Informal settlements, Public toilets, Road safety and pedestrian issues, Accountability of elected representatives.

3 Walk-ability, a pedestrian Issue Walkability is a measure of pedestrians convenience in an area/ road. Factors influencing walkability includes Safety Security Comfort Conducive Walking Environment Source

4 Walk-ability and Chennai “Among 21 Asian cities in which ‘walkability' index study was carried out, Chennai scored 47/100 and came last” Source –The Hindu, Jan 25,2012-study by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia)

5 Problems facing the Pedestrians No proper pedestrian infrastructure

6 Problems facing the Pedestrians Increase in the number of motorised vehicles

7 Problems facing the Pedestrians Least walkable roads are in the vicinity of public transit terminals

8 About the Project to create data about pedestrian infrastructure on 10 stretches of roads through public participatory planning use this data to demand change and improvements in pedestrian environment and infrastructure to engage people with the concerned authorities on brainstorming simple solutions for improving Walkability to inspire residents from other parts of the city to try this method for creating data and improve accountability.

9 Methodology Selection of 10 stretches of Bus Route Roads within the city Calling for Volunteers from Schools, Colleges and Other Organizations Phase -1 Surveying and documenting the roads through the Survey toolkit Phase -2 Holding public meetings with the residents and local authorities to demand improvement Monitoring the changes after a period of time Creating data with the inputs

10 But most importantly… Your participation and contribution will help to make our roads in Chennai more walkable!

11 What your participation in the movement will involve Creation of data- surveying and documenting Networking with like-minded people across Chennai To hold the government accountable for change and improve the quality of infrastructure.

12 Activities For you surveying and documenting pedestrian infrastructure along selected bus route roads. interpret and present the collected data in a meeting with residents, local bureaucrats, councilor, media, and the general public repeat the study in 6 – 8 months time to monitor the government’s progress on addressing problems

13 Timeline would be required to commit to four sessions of a maximum of four hours each for the duration of the project at your convenience.

14 Join us and be a part of this inclusive project and learn about your city Get hands- on experience on surveying and documenting Your work will be appreciated through a Completion certificate

15 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Lalitha: 8489 745 394 Nithya:

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