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From ECSC to the European Union

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1 From ECSC to the European Union
Evolution of the eu From ECSC to the European Union

2 Note: The European Union does not have a constitution! Instead, the European Union is defined by treaties that are legally binding and can be amended The European Council and the European Parliament, 2 branches of the EU, make a “co-decision” to approve treaties proposed by the European Commission.

3 Key words World peace Supranational Common market
Customs, duties, and tariffs Exchange rates Inflation Monetary policy Veto Deepening v. widening

4 European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
Treaty of Paris 1951 Pool wartime resources together to prevent future war and promote world peace Created by Jean Monnet Commonly referred to as the “Schuman Plan,” as Robert Schuman proposed ECSC to the public First supranational organization

5 European economic community (EEC)
Treaty of Rome 1957 Common market established expanded to more than coal and steel Goods, workers, services, capital Reduction of customs and duties Economic union Same price on agricultural products Eliminate tariffs for members states

6 European Monetary System (EMS)
1979 Stablize exchange rates Curb inflation Monetary policy control awarded to EU

7 Single European Act 1987 Accelerate the completion of the single market Common currency Accomodate its expanded membership Removed the single country veto Easier to pass laws Multiple countries have to say no, not just one to pass a law

8 Creation of the “european Union”
Treaty of Maastricht 1993 Single currency Foreign and security policy Renaming to the “European Union”

9 Treaties: continuous changes
Treaty of Lisbon 2009 Amends Maastricht Treaty and Treaty of Rome More powerful European Parliament Only directly elected institution of the EU Gives members a legal right to leave the EU for the first time

10 European Union today 28 member countries
Economic, social, and security policies “United in diversity” as motto Debate on deepening versus widening Deepening- make more substantial and overarching policies for existing members Widening- continue to expand membership and diversify the group of members Requirements for membership: Democratic government Human rights record and protection Solid economic policies and strength Capital is in Brussels, Belgium

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