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Maintaining Your INTEGRITY. TOME “Innocence” “Completeness.” The word INTEGRITY has its root meaning in the Hebrew word TOME which means “Innocence” or.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintaining Your INTEGRITY. TOME “Innocence” “Completeness.” The word INTEGRITY has its root meaning in the Hebrew word TOME which means “Innocence” or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintaining Your INTEGRITY

2 TOME “Innocence” “Completeness.” The word INTEGRITY has its root meaning in the Hebrew word TOME which means “Innocence” or “Completeness.”

3 Here are the range of meanings that derive from the word INTEGRITY:SOUNDNESSPERFECTUPRIGHTNESSSIMPLICITYSINCERITY

4 Blameless, Whole, Full, Truth, & Character Synonyms for INTEGRITY  Blameless, Whole, Full, Truth, & Character Antonyms for INTEGRITY  Dishonesty, Fraud & Corrupt

5 STRUCTURED DEFINITION Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values. It refers to the quality or state of being complete or undivided. Integrity especially pertains to a person or condition of moral goodness, with a focus of being guiltless and not liable for sin or wrong.

6 The Importance of Living a Life of INTEGRITY {Job 2: 3, 9; Job 27: 5} Your reputation is important to God. God wants to use you as a vessel unto honor to give Him glory. God desires that we exemplify holy living so that others may be directed to Him by the life that we live.

7 {Proverbs 2: 7, 21; Prov. 20: 7; Psalm 41: 12} God is pleased with those who display integrity and He rewards those who maintain it. The Importance of Living a Life of INTEGRITY

8 {Psalm 7: 8; 25: 21; 26: 1, 11; 101: 2} Integrity should be a part of your Christian walk. God expects you to walk in his way and live by integrity. The Importance of Living a Life of INTEGRITY

9 The Cost of Failing to Preserve Your INTEGRITY {Proverbs 10: 9} You will be caught if you have been dishonest. What you do in secret will eventually catch up with you. God will expose you!

10 The Cost of Failing to Preserve Your INTEGRITY {Proverbs 11: 3; 28: 18} A dishonest path only leads to destruction; it is not wise to continue on that road.

11 The Cost of Failing to Preserve Your INTEGRITY {Proverbs 19: 1, 28: 6} It is not necessarily what you have that earns you respect, it is who you are. If you have many possessions it doesn’t profit you much if your heart is not sincere. You may be beautifully adorned on the outside but you could be dirty and empty on the inside.

12 How to Maintain your INTEGRITY {Psalm 25: 20-21 } GUARD YOUR TESTIMONY -Your reputation & testimony is at stake, so protect it -People trust you and look up to you; if you fall it will affect both them & you in a negative way

13 How to Maintain your INTEGRITY {Job 27: 5 } REMEMBER YOUR COMMITMENT TO GOD - Be faithful to God; do not disappoint Him - Sin will displease God and affect your relationship with Him

14 How to Maintain your INTEGRITY {Psalm 26; Psalm 101: 2-7 } AVOID THE TEMPTER’S SNARE - Avoid being entangled in any situation - Avoid certain places, people, situations and things - Look for a way of escape when temptation tries to hold you down

15 “Maintaining your integrity is not easy, but it is certainly easier to maintain it than to regain it”

16 Maintaining your integrity is very important to God. It is also important to those whom we interact with and those who observe us. Therefore do not take it lightly. Purpose to walk in God’s ways so that your life will be acceptable to both God and man.

17 Titus 2: 7-8 summarizes it well: “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity (uncorruptness), dignity and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame having nothing evil to say about us.”

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