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Honors World Literature Monday, April 20, 2015. Do Now ACT PASSAGE 20 questions 16 minutes In groups create an answer key (10 minutes) CW: 20 points!

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Presentation on theme: "Honors World Literature Monday, April 20, 2015. Do Now ACT PASSAGE 20 questions 16 minutes In groups create an answer key (10 minutes) CW: 20 points!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors World Literature Monday, April 20, 2015

2 Do Now ACT PASSAGE 20 questions 16 minutes In groups create an answer key (10 minutes) CW: 20 points!

3 Objective SWBAT read and analyze the role that women characters have in Book 20

4 The Odyssey In your groups, read Book 20. Take notes on the role that women characters have within Odysseus’s Odyssey.

5 Homework Finish reading Book 20 and answer questions.

6 Tuesday, April 21, 2015 SSR 20 minutes!

7 Objectives SWBAT SWBAT Students will be introduced to feminist literary perspective and explore the roles of women in the Odyssey

8 Turn and Talk What Is Feminist Literature? What Does It Consist of? Examples?

9 Read Now Silently read the article on Feminist Literature, underlining key words and phrases. 2 minutes!

10 Literary Criticisms MarxistPsychologicalFreudianFeministHistoricalCultural Many More….

11 Feminist Literature

12 “The idea that gender norms can be changed is central to feminist theory” (McManus) A belief that women universally face some form of oppression or exploitation; A belief that women universally face some form of oppression or exploitation; A commitment to uncover and understand what causes and sustains oppression; A commitment to uncover and understand what causes and sustains oppression; A commitment to work individually and collectively everyday life to end all forms of oppression. A commitment to work individually and collectively everyday life to end all forms of oppression.

13 Feminist critics analyze how literary work is influenced by a male dominated society. Feminist critics analyze how literary work is influenced by a male dominated society. Feminists feel that authors look for non-feminine objects or characters and describe them as feminine to belittle them and make woman look bad (Brayton) Feminists feel that authors look for non-feminine objects or characters and describe them as feminine to belittle them and make woman look bad (Brayton)

14 The History Of Feminism ‘Waves of Feminism’ 1 st : (Late 1700s – Early 1900s) Mary Wollstonecraft highlights the inequalities between the sexes. Feminists were active in the women’s suffrage movement, which lead to the National Universal suffrage in 1920

15 Feminist Criticism A type of literary criticism that critiques how females are commonly represented in texts, and how insufficient these representations are as a categorizing device. They focus on how femininity is represented as being passive and emotional – the “caregiver,” and the male is associated with reason and action – the “doer.”

16 The History Of Feminism 3 rd : (Early 1990s – Present) These decades deepened the equality of women, such as with a variety of jobs women can have and a variety of opportunities open to them.

17 The History Of Feminism 2 nd : (Early 1960s – Late 1970s) There are more equal conditions. N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) was formed for feminists in 1966. Simone de Beauvoir and Elain Showalter formed a basis for the distribution of feminist theories.

18 Feminist Criticism the feminist critique of literature seeks to raise the consciousness about the importance and unique nature of women in literature, and to point out how language has been used to marginalize women.

19 Feminist Criticism Feminist scholars wish to consider women as subjects, or points of interest to study. Feminist scholars wish to consider women as subjects, or points of interest to study. They do not want to categorize women as “objects” as men often do. They do not want to categorize women as “objects” as men often do. They want to question why male dominance is the norm. They want to question why male dominance is the norm. Feminist approach to literary criticism main concern: the ways in which literature undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women. (McManus) Feminist approach to literary criticism main concern: the ways in which literature undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women. (McManus)

20 Feminist Criticism Specifically, the feminist view attempts to: 1.Show that writers of traditional literature have ignored women and have presented misguided and prejudiced views of them 2.Create a critical landscape that reflects a balanced view of the nature and value of women

21 Feminist Criticism 3. Expand the literary canon by recovering works of women of the past and publication of contemporary female writers 4. Urge transformation in the language to eliminate inequities and inequalities that result from linguistic distortions such as mankind (rather than humanity).

22 How To Identify It Typical questions literary critics with a feminist approach ask: Typical questions literary critics with a feminist approach ask: “How is the relationship between men and women portrayed? What are the power relationships between men and women (or characters assuming male/female roles)? How are male and female roles defined? What constitutes masculinity and femininity? How do characters embody these traits? Do characters take on traits from opposite genders? How so? How does this change others’ reactions to them?” (Brizee and Tompkins)

23 Feminist Theories Where patriarchy reigns, a woman is defined only by her difference from male norms and values meaning she is defined as how different she is from man; Not as her own individual. Where patriarchy reigns, a woman is defined only by her difference from male norms and values meaning she is defined as how different she is from man; Not as her own individual. Example: In European society, the Bible depicts Eve as the primary cause of sin and death in the world “While biology determines our sex, male or female, culture determines our gender, masculine or feminine.” (Brizee and Tompkins)

24 Feminist Video Jot down 2-3 key points!

25 Feminist Literature Examine each book that we have read so far in The Odyssey. Select 5 quotes from female characters. List character, quote, and most importantly analyze it in a way a feminist critics would. How would they see the character? How or what would they change?

26 Feminist Literature Analyze your female character from the point of view of a feminist literary critic. Use your quotes to help guide your answers. Answer each question below. What does the female character look like? How does sexuality play a part in her story line? What is her role in The Odyssey? How does she relate to men? What are her strengths and weaknesses? Does she have control over her life’s situation? Explain.

27 Exit Ticket A. Overall, the female characters in the Odyssey are portrayed as _________________________ B. The female character from the Odyssey I believe is the strongest is _________ because _____________________ C. The female character I believe is the weakest is ___________________because_______________________ D. If I could give this character a feminist make-over or re- write her story I would _________________________

28 Homework Read answer questions from Book 21.

29 Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Grammar Passage

30 Objective SWBAT read and analyze Book 22 in The Odyssey.

31 Book 22 In your groups Read Books 22.

32 Homework Choose one of the many female characters from the Odyssey. Write a diary, poem, or letter from a feminist perspective of the character you choose. HW: 10 points

33 Thursday, April 23, 2015 Silent Sustained Reading: 15 Minutes

34 Objectives SWBAT apply the feminist criticism to the short story The Yellow Wallpaper

35 The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman Born July 30 1860 in Hartford, CT Died August 17, 1935 American feminist, sociologist, novelist, writer of short stories poetry and nonfiction.

36 Let’s Read Whole Class Groups POV: Feminist, so annotate!

37 Guiding Questions Whole Group/Small Groups.

38 Exit Ticket After reading multiple Books in The Odyssey and The Yellow Wall Paper, what can we say about the role of women in literature? Compare and Contrast the portrayal of both women in both texts. PACW: 10 points

39 Homework Do Well on the Interim!

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