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MPLS-TP OAM Analysis Nurit Sprecher / Nokia Siemens Networks Tom Nadeau / BT Huub van Helvoort / Huawei Yaacov Weingarten / Nokia Siemens Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "MPLS-TP OAM Analysis Nurit Sprecher / Nokia Siemens Networks Tom Nadeau / BT Huub van Helvoort / Huawei Yaacov Weingarten / Nokia Siemens Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPLS-TP OAM Analysis Nurit Sprecher / Nokia Siemens Networks Tom Nadeau / BT Huub van Helvoort / Huawei Yaacov Weingarten / Nokia Siemens Networks

2 Purpose of the Document Analyze whether the existing IETF OAM tools can be used to fulfill the requirements Identify which tools need to be extended to comply with the requirements Identify whether new tools need to be defined MPLS-TP OAM Requirements Draft (draft-vigoureux-mpls-tp- oam-requirements-00.txt) IETF existing OAM Tools for LSPs: - LSP Ping - MPLS BFD IETF existing OAM tools for PWs: VCCV supporting ICMP Ping VCCV supporting LSP Ping VCCV supporting BFD (with and without IP/UDP encapsulation )

3 Organization of the Document Discusses first the architectural requirements and the general principles of operations, and then the requirements for the OAM functions. The existing tools are evaluated for each aspect and gaps (if exist) are identified. Recommendations and guidelines are provided.

4 Remote Defect Indication Alarm Suppression Organization of the Document The existing tools are evaluated for each and gaps (if exist) are identified. Recommendations and guidelines are provided. Architectural Requirements General Principles of Operations Connectivity Verification Continuity Check Requirements for the OAM Functions Analysis of OAM Requirements

5 Principal Recommendations Define Tandem Connection entity for both LSPs and PWs Extend ACH to provide control channel for MPLS Sections, LSPs and Tandem Connections Define a VPCV (Virtual Path Connectivity Verification) mechanism for LSP and Tandem Connection, reusing as much as possible the same principles of operation as VCCV. Extend BFD to support Point-to-Multipoint transport paths Define tools to support the following functions (with the ability to authenticate the messages): Connectivity Verification (BFD does not support communication to MIPs) Alarm suppression Lock indication Packet loss measurement Diagnostic test Trace-route (LSP Ping can not be used as it is dependent on IP functionality) Delay Measurement Remote Defect Indication Client signal fail

6 Principal Recommendations (Contd.) Extend the management-plane/control-plane to support the configuration of the OAM entities and the set of OAM functions they need to support *** To be considered: change the name of the ACH “ CV Type ” to “ Protocol Type ” in order to avoid confusion with the CV function.

7 Conclusion Authors are soliciting more comments and feedback from WG Authors believe that current draft version is comprehensive Should it become a WG document? Authors request the WG to adopt the recommendations Identify a list of documents that should be extended. Identify a list of documents that should be specified.

8 Questions

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