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A.5.2: TECHNOLOGY PLANNING WHY? WHO? WHAT? HOW? For Students in LS5043: Information and Communication Technology Fall 2014 Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "A.5.2: TECHNOLOGY PLANNING WHY? WHO? WHAT? HOW? For Students in LS5043: Information and Communication Technology Fall 2014 Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.5.2: TECHNOLOGY PLANNING WHY? WHO? WHAT? HOW? For Students in LS5043: Information and Communication Technology Fall 2014 Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D. School of Library and Information Studies Texas Woman’s University

2 OBJECTIVES FOR THIS SESSION At the end of this Collaborate Session, students will be able to: 1.Define why this assignment is important to the course goals. 2.Identify stakeholders who are invested in solving a communication or technology problem or challenge. 3.List the components and requirements of A.5.2 Technology Planning. 4.Identify various electronic tools to support their successful engagement in the assignment.

3 WHY? ALA CORE COMPETENCES ALA Core Competences: Technical Knowledge and Skills 4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service delivery, and uses of libraries and other information agencies. 4C. The methods of assessing and evaluating the specifications, efficacy, and cost efficiency of technology-based products and services. 4D. The principles and techniques necessary to identify and analyze emerging technologies and innovations in order to recognize and implement relevant technological improvements. Administration and Management 8A. The principles of planning and budgeting in libraries and other information agencies. American Library Association. 2009. Core Competences of Librarianship. mpetences/finalcorecompstat09.pdf (accessed November 4, 2013). mpetences/finalcorecompstat09.pdf

4 WHY TECHNOLOGY PLANNING? “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?” Question posed by entrepreneurs, explorers, and funeral homes Within every problem or challenge, there is an opportunity….

5 ASSIGNMENT GOALS The goals of the technology planning assignment are to  respond to a problem, concern, or dilemma in librarianship related to information and communication technology.  locate and cite research in the field related to this problem,  brainstorm and explore possible solutions,  develop a policy or procedure for implementing the solution,  and construct a presentation (created with a Web 2.0 tool) to a targeted audience to share your solution to the problem. IMPORTANT: With this assignment, you will synthesize your learning in this course.

6 WHO? PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS Partnerships – trios or teams of two Example: G.A. Julie and Dr. M. External Partner(s) or Stakeholder(s) Example: Dana Tucker, Denton Public Librarian (DPL) Other Stakeholders Example: Elementary School Librarians (4) in the DPL North Branch Service Region

7 WHO? PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS Partnerships – Why? Simulates committee work/complex assignment/more ideas External Partner(s) or Stakeholder(s) – Who? Originator of the problem/challenge, stakeholder in the field, community-based assets model for addressing community needs Other Stakeholders From whom do you need additional input? Who has a stake in the process, solution, or outcome?

8 WHAT? SUGGESTING A SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM Five Main Components represented on five wiki pages:  Homepage – Graphic organizer  Communication – Brainstorm and communication log  Research – Research-based and other evidence to support the solution  Policy – or Procedure to solve the problem  Final Product – Develop a way to electronically communicate the solution to a specific stakeholder audience (Web 2.0 or infographic presentation required)

9 WHAT? HOMEPAGE Copy and paste graphic organizer:  Wiki history shows all partners document progress  Color-code contributions throughout  Use notemaking  Include links that open in new windows as appropriate  Link all pages to the homepage  Example: http://collab4summerreading.pbworks.com

10 WHAT? COMMUNICATION PAGE Link the Communication Page to the Homepage:  All partners document  Document dates, times, and NOTES  Select and use a brainstorming tool  Link and embed the brainstorming tool on the Communications page  Example: 5551/communication 5551/communication

11 WHAT? RESEARCH PAGE All partners contribute:  Research-based evidence from peer-reviewed journals  Complete citations, annotations, and spotlight components to include on the final presentation  Practitioner articles with additional ideas Curation Tool: ScoopIt!  Example: 5643/research 5643/research

12 WHAT? POLICY PAGE Align this page with rubric requirements:  Additional Feedback - Input from stakeholders  Policy or Plan  Timeline  Human Resources  Financial Resources  Intended Outcomes  Example: /policy /policy

13 WHAT? FINAL PRODUCT ELECTRONIC Presentation/Communication:  Targeted to a specific audience for the intended outcome  Storyboard or layout presentation  Web 2.0 Tool or Infographic  Ethical use of media, ideas, and information - Cite sources  Make it sticky, attractive, and comprehensible  Edit! Edit! Edit! This must be professional work.  Example: 8/product 8/product

14 WHAT? INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Types of Tools for both the process and product of this assignment :  Wiki – organization and communication  Communication tools – wiki, email, Skype, Google Hangout, FaceTime (iPad app), FreeScreenSharing, and MORE!  Web 2.0 tools for brainstorming, storyboarding, and infographic  Curation tools – wiki, ScoopIt!  Final product tools – Web 2.0 and infographic tools  REMEMBER our Web 2.0 Tool resources at:


16 QUESTIONS AFTER THIS COLLABORATE SESSION: You and your partners will:  Post questions in O.D.1.0 Assignment Questions  Or in O.D.0.5 if the question is about technology.  Review the assignment sheet, graphic organizer, rubric, and sample often.  Communicate, communicate, communicate with your team!

17 AFTER YOU COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT: You and your partners will:  Report on your process and product in O.D.5.3  Include A.5.2 as part of your final course reflection in O.D.5.4  You may want to share this work with: the librarian who presented your team with this problem or challenge! With any luck you will:  Use A.5.2 learning in your current or future work in librarianship!


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