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SELF-ESTEEM Relationships 2015-2016. Self-Concept.

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Presentation on theme: "SELF-ESTEEM Relationships 2015-2016. Self-Concept."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELF-ESTEEM Relationships 2015-2016

2 Self-Concept

3  Self-concept (self-image) is the total of all the knowledge and information you have about yourself  Also includes who you think you might become  Ex:  Gender  Name  Personality  Likes and dislikes  Beliefs, values

4  It answers the question “Who am I?”  It includes information about you, that only you know.  How you really feel about something (despite what you say)  What your intentions are when doing something

5 Self - Concept Circle The person I think I am. The person others think I am. The person others think I think I am. My Actions Other’s Reactions To Me As Others See Me As I See Myself

6 Positive Self-Concept I am an okay person. I have definite strengths and abilities. I can do anything I really want to do. I see myself as being as good as my friends. There are many ways to solve a problem.

7 Characteristic of Negative Self-Concept I am a jerk. Why try? I could never do it anyway. I cannot do anything right. I am not nearly as good as my friends. I knew my plans would not work.

8 Self-Esteem

9 Self-esteem  Whether you think all these things add up to something good, bad, worthy, or unworthy  It’s how you rate what you know about yourself.  It answers the question “Am I good enough?”  When you bring your actions, thoughts, and emotions into alignment your self-esteem grows.

10 “Your current self image is just a collection of ideas. How you rate these ideas (self-esteem) is up to you.”

11 Building Self-Esteem Associate with people who build. Build others, sincere compliments. Set and achieve goals. Eat correctly, look your best. Observe self-confident people. Ask for help. Improve yourself, learn something new. Do not say negative things about yourself. Think positively.

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