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Alternative energy technology in Israel Innovation in Israel March 2008 Wellesley, USA David Waimann & Guy Kol.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative energy technology in Israel Innovation in Israel March 2008 Wellesley, USA David Waimann & Guy Kol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative energy technology in Israel Innovation in Israel March 2008 Wellesley, USA David Waimann & Guy Kol

2 6 categories 1.Clean power stations – hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear?, 2.Bio-fuels- cellulose, algae, new seeds, processes 3.Vehicle power- electric battery, hybrid, fuel cell, microturbine. 4.Waste-to-energy. gasification, pyrolysis, biomass. 5.Energy efficient processes/building. 6.Making existing technologies cleaner and more efficient.

3 1. Clean power stations Solar Size of market $billions 20072015 Photovoltaics 1025 Solar water heating 0.63 Solar thermal 0.545 Concentrator PV 0?

4 Some commercial and development initiatives 1.Solaroll – roll to roll manufacture of amorphous PV. 2.Faiman - Very large concentrator dish. 3.Luz2 – high temp. carnot for large scale 4.TOU- Millenium- Hybrid systems combining PV, water and space heating. 5.Solel- thermal concentrators. 6.Dov Raviv- Fresnel arrays 7.Puredrop- Concentrators PV. 8.Gordon- Feiermann – mini-concentrators - Solfocus 9.Technion solar tower. 10.DISP – small PV concentrators 11.SRS – split spectrum system 12.IAI- MLM solar satellite arrays. 13.Zenith – Concentrators. 14.MLM concentrators. 15.Chromagen/ Nimrodi/Rand – solar thermal

5 Solar WaterPower stations Special applications Industrial + CHP BIPV DIY & Rooftop Portable & consumer Satellite space Residential grid connect SHS solar applications

6 Examples of Israeli solar technologies

7 Solar Home Systems module 3G Solar’s PV module

8 2. Biofuels

9 The problem Tonnes of oil per Hectare Corn 0.15 Rape Seed 1 Palm 5 Open Raceway Algae 15 Algae photo-bioreactor 100 Category 2 - Biofuels

10 Algae technologies Algae sequestration of carbon dioxide Algae to biodiesel

11 Application 3

12 3. Vehicle Power Project Better Place

13 Electroturbine -technology Flex-fuel Bio-diesel Hydrogen Petrol CNG … Novel microturbine Advanced Advanced  driving motors  power train Battery pack

14 The killer combination Solar energy ( mostly thermal) with EV - providing clean electricity for home, industry, and vehicle use. Costs in 2012 in cents per kWh. Nuclear ( including disposal)11 Solar thermal 12 Coal scrubbed SOx - 6 Coal with CO2 scrubbed9 Cost of switching to solar and scrubbed coal… ? Why bother with anything else?

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