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Seminar Unit 3. Jon Sperling 321-987-8165 Text me anytime if you have a question.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar Unit 3. Jon Sperling 321-987-8165 Text me anytime if you have a question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar Unit 3

2 Jon Sperling 321-987-8165 Text me anytime if you have a question

3 What is one question that many victims ask themselves after there are abused?

4 “Why-why me?” or “What did I do to deserve this?”

5 How would you answer that question if a victim asked you?

6 There are many explanations on why people abuse other.

7 Classical School

8 Based on the idea that individuals choose to engage in crime

9 Why do you think that some people chose to commit crimes and/or abuse their loved ones?

10 Timothy Johnson

11 Rationale Choice Theory

12 Criminal behavior is more than just a response to social pressures or upbringing. It is also a ?


14 In the Rationale Choice Theory, offenders calculate the relative costs and benefits of behavior and choose to commit domestic crimes?

15 Do you think that swift law enforcement actions and prosecution could reduce domestic violence under this theory?

16 What is one law that all states have that might reduce domestic violence under this theory?

17 Mandatory arrests

18 Deterrence Theory based on the idea that punishment must be swift and certain in order to deter crime. Do you think that domestic violence laws are a deterrence to offenders?

19 Positive School

20 The positive school recognizes that the cause of crime are recognized from biological, psychological, and sociological viewpoints

21 Biological theories are very controversial and have limited application to family violence.

22 What are biochemical imbalance theories?

23 Glandular and hormonal imbalances, as well as vitamin and diet deficiencies, have been suggested as possible causes of criminal behavior.

24 Sociological Theories

25 Culture of Violence Theory acceptance of violence within our society

26 Can you think of a culture where family violence is accepted?

27 Strain Theory

28 Due to strains in our lives, we might turn to crime and violence.

29 What are some types of strains that might cause someone to turn to crime or violence within the family?


31 Gender-Role Theory

32 Children learn what they see in their family.

33 The young girls see their mother abused and they think it is acceptable. Young males see their father abuse and they think it is acceptable.

34 What was society (legislative) response to this theory. What law was passed to try to reverse this condition?

35 Mandatory Arrest Policies

36 Psychological Theories

37 Social Learning Theories People are not born violent, but they learn it.

38 How are some ways people could learn violent behavior?

39 Behavior Modeling Theory Children learn to be violent by watching their parents being violent

40 What are your thoughts on this theory? Is there any truth to it?

41 Cycle of Abuse


43 There are a lot of different theories that might explain domestic violence. Right now which one do you favor more?

44 For Unit 3

45 Written Assignment In 3 – 5 pages, select and describe one of the theories that you feel best explains why people commit domestic violence. Strongly support the theory with detailed information and examples.

46 Where can you find information on how to complete the written assignment.

47 Make sure that you correct any issues that were brought up in your first paper.

48 Any questions or comments?

49 Good Night

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