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The Project  Hadron Klaus Peters KPIII/HPI, GSI Darmstadt & IKF, JWGU Frankfurt Sixth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "The Project  Hadron Klaus Peters KPIII/HPI, GSI Darmstadt & IKF, JWGU Frankfurt Sixth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Project  Hadron Physics @ Klaus Peters KPIII/HPI, GSI Darmstadt & IKF, JWGU Frankfurt Sixth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics May 16, 2008

2 2 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR @ GSI FAIR CDR 2001 FTBR 2006 Construction Start 2007 Ground Breaking 2008 First Experiments 2012 Fully Completed 2015 Budget € 1.1 B Existing GSInew FAIR buildings

3 3 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Offical Start Signed By 12 Partners Volume in Phase A 940 M€ Finally 16 Countries FAIR is (from the legal point of view) a different institution GSI is one of the partners of FAIR Nov. 7, FAIR Start-Event – last week

4 4 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Electroweak Force Electromagnetic Force QED Weak Force Standard Model Strong Force QCD Gravitational Force General Relativity galaxy 10 21 m matter 10 -1 m crystal 10 -9 m atom 10 -10 m atomic nucleus 10 -14 m <10 -18 m electron quark nucleon 10 -15 m DNA 10 -8 m Research with Beams of Hadrons and Ions quark-gluon plasma excited vacuum HI Beams  12 TW/g RIBs  1.5 – 2 GeV/u Antiprotons 0-15 GeV Relativ. HI  35 GeV/u Ion-Matter Interactions Dense Plasmas Ultra High EM Fields Nuclei at the Extremes Quark Gluon Structure of Hadrons Quark Matter Structure of Matter

5 5 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Mission Statement Strong and weak interaction critically determine the structure of matter at the microscopic level Goal: Comprehensive and quantitative understanding Many-body aspects play an important role at all levels of the hierarchical structure of matter Goal: Investigate many-body effects at all scales

6 6 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR 100 m Hadron Physics with antiprotons Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics with radioactive beams Plasma Physics with compressed ion beams & high-intensity petawatt-laser Nuclear Matter Physics with 35-45 GeV/u HI beams High EM Field (HI) Fundamental Studies (HI & p ) Applications (HI) Five Areas of Research at FAIR

7 7 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR SIS 100 SIS 12/18 SIS 300 High Energy operation SIS300 Highly Parallel Operation SIS 300 Accelerator Chain SIS 100

8 8 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Superheavy Nuclei Neutron Drip Line The Nuclear Landscape

9 9 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR The In-Flight Rare-Isotope Beam Facility 0 - 1500 AMeV  Superconducting FRagment Separator  High-Energy Reaction Setup  Multi-Storage Rings (CR, NESR, eA)  Energy-Bunched Stopped Beams Key characteristics : - all elements, H to U - intensity > 10 12 ions/sec. - high and low energies - pulsed and CW beams Super-FRS 20 Tm from SIS100 from SIS 18

10 10 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Schottky Frequency Spectrum

11 11 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter SPS, RHIC, LHC: high temperature, low baryon density SIS300: moderate temperature, high baryon density

12 12 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR CBM Experiment - Objectives In-medium modifications of hadrons onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high ρ B measure: ρ, ω, ф  e + e - and open charm (D mesons) Strangeness in matter (strange matter?) enhanced strangeness production ? measure: K, Λ, Σ, Ξ, Ω Indications for deconfinement at high ρ B anomalous charmonium suppression ? measure: J/ψ, D Critical point event-by-event fluctuations Color superconductivity precursor effects ?

13 13 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR CBM @ FAIR Radiation hard Silicon Tracking System (pixel/strip) in a magnetic dipole field Electron detectors: RICH & TRD & ECAL: pion suppression better 10 4 Hadron identification: TOF-RPC Measurement of photons, π, η, and muons: electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) High speed data acquisition and trigger system

14 14 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR QCD phases @ CBM CBM (Phase B) EOI 2000 LOI 2004 TPR 2005 TDRs 2009 - 2010 Construction2009 -2015 1 st Physics2016 Cost€ 60 M

15 15 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR The Fluxtube in a Meson 0.7 fm1.0 fm1.35 fm strong interaction strength Lattice QCD calculations G. Bali, hep-lat/9409005 [ q q] bound state Rotation Vibration

16 16 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR The Potential – A Guide spin-orbit (fine structure) spin-spin (hyperfine structure) tensor V S and V V are the scalar and vector components of the non-relativistic potential 3 3.5 4 1 2 R/r 0 V( R )/GeV J/ψ χcχc ψ‘ψ‘ HccHcc D Π Σ G. Bali et al., hep-lat/0003012 G. Bali, hep-ph/0412158

17 17 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR S1S1 S2S2 S=S 1 +S 2 J=L+S P=(-1) L+1 C=(-1) L+S L Exotic Quantum Numbers with Simple Hybrids S-Wave + Gluon (qq) 8 g with () 8 =colored 1 S 0  3 S 1 combined with 1 + or 1 - gluon Gluon1 – (TM) 1 +(TE) 1 S 0, 0 –+ 1 ++ 1 –– 3 S 1, 1 –– 0 +- 0 –+ 1 +- 1 –+ 2 +- 2 –+ J PC exotic impossible for q q

18 18 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR X(3872) and Confirmation hep-ex/0406022 9.4σ 11.6 σ BABAR Phys. Rev. Lett. 91(2003)262001 152 Mill. BB

19 19 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Recent Overview on X,Y,Z from E. Eichten @ QWG 5

20 20 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Mass Differences in ψππ and DDπ X(3872) in (ψππ) K + Bellem=3872±0.6±0.5 Babar m=3871.3±0.6±0.1 X(3872) in (ψππ) K S Bellem=3871.8±1.1±0.6 Babarm=3868.6±1.2±1.2 Γ<2.3 X(3872) in DDπ K Bellem=3875.4±0.7 +0.9 -1.6 Babarm=3875.1 +0.7 -0.5 ±0.5 Γ=3.0 +1.9 -1.4 ±0.9 m D0D0* =3871.8±0.3 m D+D-* =3879.9±0.3 E. Braaten, only D 0 D 0* threshold considered about 3 MeV between final states

21 21 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Why Antiprotons for Heavy Flavour Spectroscopy high resolution spectroscopy with p-beams in formation experiments: ΔE ≈ ΔEbeam 35003520 MeV3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 E CM e + e - interactions: Only 1 -- states are formed Other states only by secondary decays moderate mass resolution p p reactions: All states directly formed very good mass resolution CBall E835 1000 E 835 ev./pb χ c1 CBall, Edwards et al. PRL 48 (1982) 70 E835, Ambrogiani et al., PRD 62 (2000) 052002

22 22 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Why Antiprotons for Heavy Flavour Spectroscopy high resolution spectroscopy with p-beams in formation experiments: ΔE ≈ ΔEbeam  Precision Frontier high yield of gluonic and radial excitations in pp glueballs, charmed hybrids  Discovery Potential event tagging by pair wise associated production, (particle, anti-particle) e.g. pp  DD large √s at low momentum transfer important for in-medium "implantation" of hadrons: study of in-medium effects of charmed states

23 23 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Electromagnetic Reactions e- p e-e- p γ p γ p p p e+e+ e-e- p p γ γ

24 24 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Crossed-Channel Compton Scattering Cross section σ ≈ 2.5pb @ s ≈10 GeV 2 L = 2·10 32 cm-2 s-1 → 10 3 Events/Month Electromagnetic Formfactor of the Proton (time-like)

25 25 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR 02468121510 p Momentum [GeV/c] Mass [GeV/c 2 ] Two body thresholds Molecules Gluonic Excitations q q Mesons 123456 Hybrids Hybrids+Recoil Glueball Glueball+Recoil ΛΛ ΣΣ ΞΞ ΛcΛcΣcΣcΞcΞcΛcΛcΣcΣcΞcΞc ΩcΩcΩcΩc ΩΩD DsDsDsDs qq ccqqccqq n n g,s s gccgccg ggg,gg light q q π, ρ,η f 2,K,K *c J/ψ, η c, χ cJ n n g,s s gccgccg ggg Accessible Charmed Hadrons at PANDA Other exotics with identical decay channels  same region conventional charmonium exotic charmonium

26 26 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR p @ HESR NESR PANDA FLAIR P ANDA (Phase A) EOI 1999 LOI 2004 TPR 2005 TDRs 2009 - 2010 Construction2009 -2013 1 st Physics2014 Cost€ 57 M

27 27 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR HESR – Storage Ring for Antiprotons Parameters of HESR Injection of p at 3.7 GeV Slow synchrotron (1.5-14.5 GeV/c) Storage ring for internal target operation Luminosity up to L~ 2x10 32 cm -2 s -1 Beam cooling (stochastic & electron) E CM Resonance scan Energy resolution ~50 keV Tune E CM to probe resonance Get precise mass and width

28 28 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR pp cross sections – exclusive final states 100 mb 10 mb 1 mb 100 μ b 10 μ b 1 μ b 100 nb 10 nb 1 nb ΛΛ 3π03π0 ΞΞ ΩΩ Ξ*ΞΞ*Ξ Ω*ΩΩ*Ω Λ*cΛcΛ*cΛc drop of cross section due to disconnected quark lines s dependence σ~s -X for large phase space (e.g. 2π 0 σ~s -7.2 @ χ cJ )

29 29 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR pp cross sections – exclusive final states 100 mb 10 mb 1 mb 100 μ b 10 μ b 1 μ b 100 nb 10 nb 1 nb ηcηc χ c0 χ c2 ηcπ0ηcπ0 Hybrids Glueballs X (3872) Example X (3872) peak ~50 nb (E. Braaten) DDπ/ψππ ~10:1  ψππ 250 pb (ee and μμ)  DDπ 500 pb (multiple channels) includes eff. and BR L=2·10 31, duty ε=0.5 ∫ (L*ε) = 0.86 pb -1 /d  2 d/point  peak (~400 ev. ψππ/~800 ev. DDπ) x 20 points  40 days

30 30 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR PANDA High luminosity mode Luminosity = 2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 δp/p ~ 10 -4 (stochastic cooling) High resolution mode δp/p ~ few 10 -5 (+electron cooling) Luminosity > 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Gas-Jet/Pellet/Wire Target p p Important technical features: PWO calorimeter Magnetic tracking – solenoid and dipole DIRC particle ID – bars and disc Silicon vertexing (strips and pixels)

31 31 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR PAX Polarized antiprotons will open the way to a new spin-physics era: Proton-spin structure: Complete map of transversity Flavor separation Electromagnetic Form Factors Independent extraction of moduli of G E -G M in Time-Like region Test of the Rosenbluth separation in TL Measurement of the phase Hard pp scattering Additional measurement in one of the most intriguing puzzles of HF Low-t pp scattering Spin and isospin dependence of nucleon-antinucleon interaction at low energy (Wealth of single-spin asymmetries)

32 32 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Antiproton Polarizer Ring (APR) Ring Parameter Beam energy250 MeV Number of antip.10 12 Ring acceptance250 mm mrad Betatron ampl. at IP< 0.3m Ring circumference86,5 m Snake strength2.4 Tm Injection/Extraction Target Electron Cooler Snake Ion-optics at IP Atomic Beam Source (ABS) parameter ABS flow in feeding tube1,5·10 17 /s Storage cell length40 cm Feeding tube diameter length 1 cm 15 cm Long. holding field300 mT Electron polarization0.9 Cell temperature100 K

33 33 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR First “cold” Anti-Hydrogen 2002 @ AD ATHENA Nature 419 (2002) 456 ATRAP Nested Penning traps catch energy: some keV Ultimate Resolution: neutral atom traps and laser cooling to milli-Kelvin temperatures - Long Term Project - FAIR

34 34 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR FLAIR Physics Overview (Antiprotons) Spectroscopy as Test for CPT and QED Antiprotonic atoms (p-He, p-p), anti-hydrogen Gravitation of anti-matter Trapped and laser-cooled anti-hydrogen Atomic Collisions Ionization, energy loss, anti-matter-matter Antiprotons as hadronic Probes X-rays of light p-Atoms: Low energy QCD X-rays of neutron rich nuclei: nuclear structure (halo) Antineutron interaction Strangeness –2 production Medical application: Tumor therapy High-brilliant Low energy beams USR DC beam, rare ions Higher energies

35 35 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR FLAIR – Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research NESR p & Ions 30 – 400 MeV LSR: Standard Ring < 300 keV USR Electrostatic < 20 keV HITRAP p & Ions stopped & extracted @ 5 keV CRYRING Challenge! new MPI-K HD In construction for ESR @ GSI with Hall A of CDR

36 36 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Summary – Hadron Spectroscopy and Dynamics PANDA at FAIR will be a versatile multi purpose detector open to a wide physics program Precision charmonium spectroscopy full mass range, all quantum numbers Search for exotic hadrons excited glue, unusual topologies, higher Fock-components Investigation of proton structure especially time-like form factors over large kinematic range, hard exclusive processes and Boer-Mulders function PAX at FAIR is an interesting upgrade option using polarized antiprotons Rich programme in single-spin and doubly polarized physics Reasonable p polarization has to be demonstrated In the coming decade FAIR will be one of the leading facilities in hadron physics worldwide addressing and answering many interesting questions

37 37 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics @ FAIR Thank You

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