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EOC Jeopardy Mental, Emotional, and Social health STD’s Consumer Safety/ Injury Prevention Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Prevention and Control of Disease.

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Presentation on theme: "EOC Jeopardy Mental, Emotional, and Social health STD’s Consumer Safety/ Injury Prevention Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Prevention and Control of Disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOC Jeopardy Mental, Emotional, and Social health STD’s Consumer Safety/ Injury Prevention Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Prevention and Control of Disease $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 What level of the Hierarchy of needs is the need to feel protected from danger? Safety (level 2) Mental, Emotional and Social Health $100

3 What concept deals with the relationship between stress and illness? Why does this happen? General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Prolonged stress depresses the immune system. Mental, Emotional and Social Health $200

4 What disorder is hallmarked by becoming withdrawn, having a decreased interest in once enjoyable activities and decreased school performance? Depression Mental, Emotional, and Social Health $300

5 What is the main difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? A Psychiatrist can prescribe medication and a psychologist cannot. Mental, Emotional and Social Health $400

6 What is a positive, healthy way to express both good and bad emotions? Writing in a journal Mental, Emotional, and Social Health $500

7 What are the different categories of STD’s Bacterial, Viral, Parasitic STD’s/STI’s $100

8 Local agency where you can go if you think you might have an STD. Central District Health STD’s/ STI’s $200

9 Do all contraceptives protect against STD/STI’s NO Only Male/Female Condoms and Abstinence STD/STI’s $300

10 What is the most prevalent STD in Idaho? Chlamydia STD/STI $400

11 What causes scaring and infertility in females? Pelvic inflammatory disease STD/ STI $500

12 When responding to a person that is choking – what is the first thing you should do? 1.Check the scene Ask if they are choking Identify yourself and ask if you can help If the victim is coughing encourage them to continue to cough Consumer Safety/ injury prevention $100

13 What does C.A.B. stand for? Compressions-Airway-Breathing Consumer Safety/ injury prevention $200

14 If you were misled as to what a product you bought would or could do – where would you report it to? Federal Trade commission Consumer safety/ injury prevention $300

15 What is the second thing you do if you find an injured person? Ask if you can help them (even if they look unconscious) Consumer safety/ injury prevention $400

16 What local agency could you approach to seek help in correcting a problem with a service that was poor or incomplete? Better Business Bureau Consumer Safety/ injury prevention $500

17 A drug that distorts perception Hallucinogens Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco $100

18 The chemical action of yeast on sugars Fermentation Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco $200

19 What is the long term cardiologic concern associated with smoking? Atherosclerosis Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco $300

20 When referring to alcohol… What constitutes one drink? 12 oz. beer 5 oz. table wine 1.5 oz. 80 proof alcohol liquor Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco $400

21 What is the pathway to addiction? Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco $500 Drug UseTolerance Physical Dependence Addiction

22 What cures a bacterial infection? What cures a viral infection? Antibiotics Nothing – your body must fight the initial infection with antibodies Prevention and control of disease $100

23 What do killer T cells do? Locate antigens and kill the cells they are attached to. Prevention and control of disease $200

24 How do you test for HIV? Blood draw - HIV antibody test Prevention and control of disease $300

25 What are the two most common pathogens that cause communicable disease? Bacteria and Virus Prevention and control of disease $400

26 What are the risk factors for non- communicable diseases? (Name 5) – Habits, behaviors, and life practices (Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol) – Age - Gender - Genetics - Education level – Diet - Body weight - Daily physical activity – Sun exposure – Cultural practices Prevention and control of disease $500

27 List the different classes of drugs. Their common effects and name a drug from each class. Stimulants, Depressants, Opiates, Hallucinogens. Final Jeopardy

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